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Alexander Bulbov and Sergey Storchak Will Change Their Places with Active Members of Sechin's Grouping

Alexander Bulbov and Sergey Storchak Will Change Their Places with Active Members of Sechin's Grouping
Basmanny court prolonged a term of arrest of general of FDCS Alexander Bulbov which should be expired on March, 15. Now Bulbov remains under guards till June, 15. According to his lawyer, "court" made a decision on the base of several inquiries given by FSB. Thus both defendant's plea and Office of Public Prosecutor opposed prolongation of arrest. The Office of Public Prosecutor, in particular, insisted on postponement of today's session so that inspectors could receive additional proofs from FSB of the fact that Bulbov could not be discharged. However "court" refused on these applications and prolonged the term of arrest of the general.
General of FDCS Alexander Bulbov is accused of fulfillment of crimes under six clauses of the Criminal code of the Russian Federation: cl. 283 (disclosure of state secret), cl. 285 (abusing service powers), cl. 286 (excess of official powers), cl. 289 (illegal participation in enterprise activity), cl. 290 (reception of bribes in large sizes) and cl. 138 (infringement of secret of correspondence, telephone conversations, post, cable and other messages).
As it was already informed, a week earlier, on March, 4, FSB demanded to deprive Bulbov's lawyers of the lawyer status. It was declared by the lawyer Sergey Antonov. "Illegal prosecution has been started in relation to the lawyers of general of FDCS Alexander Bulbov", - he considers. Antonov said that there was a complaint from employees of FSB which was received by the lawyer chamber of Moscow. "It's said in the complaint that during one of the appointments in pre-trial detention center the lawyers ostensibly gave mobile phone to Bulbov with the help of which he later made some calls, - Antonov informed. - These statements do not correspond the reality".
The lawyer also informed that on Monday Meschansky court refused to satisfy the complaint of Bulbov's lawyers on illegal actions of employees of FSB. According to Antonov, several months ago FSB got under observation the lawyers of
General of FDCS and started bugging of their phones - ostensibly to prevent disclosure of secret of investigation and state secret which contained in the materials of the case. "We were not only refused to satisfy the complaint but also were trying to be persuaded not to submit it at all. On "court" representative of FSB Kovalenko and judge Naumov unanimously intimidated the lawyers, threatening that we took risk to repeat Kuznetsov's destiny", - the lawyer said.
As you know, the lawyer Boris Kuznetsov was compelled to ask for political asylum in the USA after he was accused of disclosure of the state secret in Russia.
Making comments on the decision of "court", the head of the Ukrainian edition of FORUM.msk Vladimir Filin reminded:
"Under Vladimir Putin's direct assignment Alexander Bulbov's division provided operative support of investigation of loud criminal cases, such as "Three Whales", "Chinese Smuggling" and others. On the basis of Bulbov's work Prosecutor-General Vladimir Ustinov and a group of generals of FSB close to informal leader of the Kremlin security officials Igor Sechin, the assistant to the president on the staff Victor Ivanov and the deputy director of FSB, the head of service of economic safety Alexander Bortnikov had to resign.
To tell you the truth, some of the generals dismissed by Putin till now continue to occupy former posts on Lubyanka, that specifies that the president really does not control own special services.
The last autumn the grouping of Sechin using Investigating Committee controlled by it launched counterattack, having arrested general Bulbov and few of his colleagues. In reply Victor Cherkesov, Bulbov's chief on October, 9 published in "Commersant" sign article in which he frankly told about intestine war on destruction of the Kremlin chekyst clans.
The journalist of "The New Times" Natalya Morar also wrote aout heavy criminal offences of Bulbov's persecutors in connection with the case of bank DISCOUNT and Andrey Kozlov's murder, for it the Service of economic safety of FSB closed entrance to Russia for her. TV reporter of NTV Vladimir Solovjev is now exposed to prosecutions by the same people.
Deciding episode of the Kremlin civil strife became Dmitry Medvedev's assignment as successor of Vladimir Putin that meant strategic route of Sechin's grouping. Now its dismantle and bringing of its active members to responsibility for committed - analogue of the 20-th congress of the CPSU - is a matter of time. What is going on now with general Bulbov is an agony of political deadmen. There are no doubts, already soon enough Alexander Bulbov, as well as one more victim of lawlessness of the Kremlin raiders - Sergey Storchak - will be free".
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