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Leaders of the CPRF Told How They Were Play-Acted

Leaders of the CPRF Told How They Were Play-Acted

Acting on press conference in Interfax the first vice-president of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of the Russian Federation and the chapter of campaign headquarters of a party Ivan Melnikov declared: "Our firm position: we can't call elections things that took place during the pre-election period and in the very day of voting. There were no elections as such.

(...) It was the agitation-and-propaganda plan of authority, huge means were spent on for its realization, it was thought over and carried out precisely by all instances. But it was not elections. As to our candidate, in view of those most complicated conditions in which campaign was carried out we can consider the result satisfactory and the tendency shown by voting - optimistic".

- I do not know why but at press conference the abundantly clear question was not asked, - editor-in-chief of FORUM.msk Anatoly Baranov noticed in the given occasion. - What was the reason for participation in such farce in general? Unless leaders of the Communist Party of the Russian Federation did not understand that it would be so? It would be ok, if they didn't know - to the address of leaders of the Communist Party of the Russian Federation even before promotion of candidates open letters were sent both by members of party and whole organizations - Gennady Andreevich, don't be a fool, withdraw your not-go nominee, not legitimize obviously roguish procedure by participation in it. Well, it's one thing that all of us on FORUM.msk are "neo-Trotskysts", enemies of people branded by true Zyuganov followers. But why not to listen to the comrades?

"Now with a look of desecrated innocence party bonzes represent that they went to a puppet theater and found themselves in brothel, - Anatoly Baranov continues. - No, sirs and not - comrades, you were going to brothel in red underpants! Well, if you came to such place, be not surprised what you had to do by order of bad guys. Now, by the way, these bad guys have full right to say - well, there also "decent" among us. And to show quite erotic result of "pupil-Zyuganov" under the version of the CEC. Instead of it they come to a public place and tells in details what it was done with them in brothel, what, I shall not be afraid of this word, electoral poses they has to make - this and that. Sirs, it's only the fact of your intimate biography, it's already not interesting to anybody. Well, unless to girlfriends from grammar school who are going to visit mentioned cultural - mass action in the future - in fact the result is satisfactory and the tendency - optimistic".

Picture is taken from official site of the CPRF, they see themselves like this...  

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