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Show for Four. Who Will Win Elections for Dmitry Medvedev?

Show for Four. Who Will Win Elections for Dmitry Medvedev?
Balajan Alexander 16.02.2008

From February, 4th the propaganda period of status action which especially zealous television commentators call "Medvedev's presidential elections" officially started. As it was foreseen, there were no surprises. Gennady Zyuganov did not remove his nominee and then even more "unexpected" thing happened - the Supreme Court rejected Michael Kasyanov's protest of the decision of the CEC. In this connection I recollected one known American saying: "Reagon won elections because his opponent was Dzhimmi Carter. If Reagon stood in elections without the opponent, he would lose".

Really, if there would be no other three loyal candidates on these elections, they should be thought up. Mr. Medvedev should play representation by himself without them and it, you will agree, is bad. What will spectators say?

But there are, thanks to God, three other wonderful actors... оh, excuse me, candidates who will apply all diligence so that March action, similar to performance, pass successfully. "The first holiday of spring" - posters of the CEC narrate to us. Everybody long time ago came to know a surname of the holiday which's always with us. For about two months as given "holiday" literally occupied all telechannels, having seriously pressed - it is terrible to say - Putin himself.

Yes, in a news line so "sated" with joyful events a figure of the present president is given less and less attention. Many analytics who made names to themselves on voluptuous odes to the leaving president are compelled to be reconstructed on other person. They have already got used: these people take pleasure from the very process of worship to authority. They try before our eyes to construct a new colossus for which all sane people should vote.

It is necessary to say, a send finds response in society. Public receptions of one of the candidates are hastily penned, the turns of desirous have already appeared: some need to screw a bulb in a hall, some need to change the pipes in a cellar. All hope is for the new barin...

Meanwhile teledebates of so-called titans of thought are waited for us. Actually, Crown Prince will not participate in them - it's not a lordly business. While others are not against - liberal-democrat Zhirinovsky and mason-democrat Bogdanov will have a lovely talk, from time to time "biting" Gennady Zjuganov, who agreed on participation in the campaign obviously without special desire. But he can be understood: in fact they can draw 8-9 % - comrades will take offence.

However, there is no doubt that Mr. Churov will explain everything as it is necessary. You will agree that it's not possible looking in fair eyes of chapter of the CEC for a second doubt that "the main holiday of spring" will pass fairly! Though he considers attendance of 99% fair and therefore, probably, we have different representations about honesty. Now only one question excites: what will be separation with which Medvedev will win?

For now the basic idea of propaganda campaign is quite clear: more entertainments and less thinking. The show with outcome which has become clear long time ago should proceed.
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