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Nuclear Missile Leakages from Iran – Part of the Campaign within the Frameworks of Already Started Bargaining with Washington on Iraq

Nuclear Missile Leakages from Iran – Part of the Campaign within the Frameworks of Already Started Bargaining with Washington on Iraq

Start-up of gas main Nabucco is postponed for a year, agency Bloomberg informs. The gas main will not start working till 2013, is spoken in the press release of consortium Nabucco Gas Pipeline International. The terms are being postponed already for the second time - firstly the start-up was planned for 2011, then transferred to 2012.


They worry in Nabucco that there will be not enough gas for filling a pipe: termination of deliveries of natural gas from Central Asia caused deep concern in the countries of the European Union, Wall Street Journal writes.


They doubt there in expediency of a lining of a gas main which will allow to put an end to dependence of the Europe on Russia but will be fastened on gas from Central Asia. Events of the last month called into question reliability of Turkmenia as the supplier and Turkey - as European power highway.


It was also officially announced on February, 5th about joining to the project of the sixth company - the German power concern RWE. "It will essentially strengthen the project, - Wolfgang Ruttenstorfer, a head of the Austrian company OMV which is the operator of the project, declared. - Shareholders are open for acceptance of the seventh partner in case of solid approval of the members of consortium".


In November Minister of Economics of Austria Martin Bartenshtajn declared that the project can be joined by the State oil company of Azerbaijan. It was also informed about possible joining of consortium of the French Gaz de France.


Gas main Nabucco with capacity 31 billion cubic metre annually should go around of Russia. The length of a gas main will make 3300 kilometers. The total cost of the project is estimated in 5,8 billion dollars. The contract about the beginning of construction of a gas main was signed on June, 25th, 2007. Commissioner of the European Commission on Emergy Andric Piebalgs and Ministers of Energy of Turkey, Bulgaria, Romania, Hungary and Austria placed their signatures on the document.


Natural gas from Turkmenia, Kazakhstan and Azerbaijan will go, predictably on transcaspian highways to the Europe. The western part of a highway will pass from the western border of Georgia through Turkey, Bulgaria, Romania, Hungary to Austria. The southern branch going from Iraq and the countries of Persian gulf and, probably, Iran can be connected to this gas main.


As political analyst of FORUM.msk Ruslan Saidov believes, "orientation of project Nabucco to Turkmen gas is initially unpromising, as nobody knows its true resources, while Turkmen authorities make it obscure and "deceive" all parts interested - Russia, China and the West. SO that the project becomes prospective it should be re-oriented on gas from Iran and the Southern (Shiite) Iraq".


"In connection with expected victory of the candidate from the Democratic party, promising to leave Iraq in presidential elections in the USA and expected to the same degree victory of opponents of Mahmud Ahmadinezhad in parliamentary elections in Iran, the probability of an attack of America in Iran becomes equal to zero, - Ruslan Saidov considers. - It opens politically the way for realization of large projects with participation of the European Union, Turkey and Iran, as well as also Ukraine, Turkey and Iran - the project "White Stream" Julia Timoshenko talked about. By the way, gas main from Turkmenia to Turkey should not necessarily be set on the bottom of the Caspian Sea, it's much more cheaper to let it pass through Iran".


Meanwhile, Newsru.co.il informs, new, more powerful centrifuges for enrichment of uranium are being tested on the Iranian nuclear object in Natanza, owing to them Iran can receive much more quickly the quantity of radioactive materials necessary for manufacture of the nuclear weapon.


Now the Iranian engineers use centrifuges of model "P-1". It was informed in November that uranium is enriched in such 3.000 centrifuges. However, according to the last data from the Iranian file, testing with more effective models, meanwhile without uranium, started in Islamic republic, agency Reuters informs.


"The Iranians test new, more perfect model. While it is not known, on what stage tests are, it is not known also, how many such centrifuges are in Natanza. Presumably, there are some tens of them", - the Western diplomatic source declares. According to it, the Iranian representatives informed the IAEA about tests of centrifuges "P-2" which can enrich uranium in two-three times quicker, than "P-1". Particularies should be presented by the manager general of IAEA in the report which should be presented later this month.


In the meantime the Russian Federation worries about attempts of Iran to develop a rocket of distant radius of action. It was declared by the deputy minister of foreign affairs of the Russian Federation Alexander Losjukov.


Losjukov emphasized, that attempts of Islamic republic to get rockets with radius of action 4 thousand km could not fail to cause fears and noted that development of such arms "lifts questions" concerning true character of the nuclear program of Iran. The deputy minister of foreign affairs of the Russian Federation said that rocket program of Iran in combination with suspicions related to attempts of Teheran to create nuclear weapon caused serious concern of Moscow.


On Monday, on February, 4th, Iran informed about successful tests of ballistic missile "Kavoshgar-1" (on other data - IRIL V), called to deliver into orbit the satellite "Omid" of the Iranian production. Start of the satellite should take place later, exact date is unknown. Some Iranian sources speak about the nearest months, others - about 2009.


The USA condemned tests of a rocket, having noted, that actions of Islamic republic will lead only to fuller isolation of the country on international scene. No technical characteristics of the rocket carrier are published in the open sources. Some experts supposes that "SHihab - 3" is being used as the carrier of the satellite.


In the meantime the Iranian Minister of Communications Mohammed Solejmani declared today that the start of the space program marked by rocket start became large technological success of Islamic republic, agency IRNA transfers. "Iran cleared for itself a road to a space epoch", - he declared.


The fact that Iran developed missile carrier, capable to place satellite in earth orbit, was informed in January of the last year. Soon after appearance of the information in the Western mass-media, the state TV of Iran informed about successful start of the first "national rocket" into space. Then the chapter of the Iranian space agency Mohsen Bahrami said enigmatic thing: "The rocket delivered research materials created by ministries of science and defense". However, soon half-official agency Fars rejected announcement of the state TV, it was specified that the Iranians launched meteorological rocket and not space one.

Making comments on it on the phone from United Arab Emirates, Ruslan Saidov said:


"Rocket-nuclear leakages from Iran have PR-action character and are a part of the campaign of Teheran within the frameworks of already started bargaining with Washington on Iraq and other questions of Near-Eastern policy. Really Iran now does nothing essentially new in the sphere of rocket-nuclear weapon, but if it wishes, it has no serious problems of technical character taking into consideration free overflowing of technologies between it, Pakistan and Northern Korea, dosed out technological exchange with China and also that circumstance that Iran in the works of the Democratic People's Republic of Korea in nuclear and rocket spheres acted as sponsor".


"On a background of the events the Russian diplomacy looks comically, - Ruslan Saidov emphasized. - Just recently protesting against expansion Ballistic Missile Defense System of the USA in Czechia and Poland, Vladimir Putin and Sergey Ivanov declared that Iran even in 20 years won't be capable of developing nuclear long-range rockets. Now the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation speaks directly opposite things. However, neither Putin, nor Ivanov, nor the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Russia understand anything in rockets and special services degraded intellectually and in organizational question to such an extend that they are not capable to provide management of the country a little bit true information".
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