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Explosion in High-Rise Building in Petersburg – Nothing’s Said about Act of Terrorism!

Explosion in High-Rise Building in Petersburg – Nothing’s Said about Act of Terrorism!

On Tuesday morning an explosion happened in a subsidiary premise of an apartment house in Kirov area of St.-Petersburg. Under the preliminary version, the reason of explosion could become an explosive, including a grenade. Incident happened nearby 9:10 a.m. in the house №6 in Korneyev Street.

As the press-service of the Emergency Situations RF, explosion occurred in a room for sanitary technicians on the first floor of 10-storeyed apartment house. The area of a room is 20 square meters.

Three persons suffered. Physicians estimate condition of two of them as heavy. Forty-year old man is hospitalized in extremely grave condition, 27-year old one - in heavy is delivered to the hospital 26. The third victim - 37-year old man - is in moderately grave condition, he is also hospitalized to the hospital 15.

During the preliminary survey carried out by inspectors of the Office of Public Prosecutor, there were no household appliances which malfunction could be the reason of explosion found. Representatives of the Emergency Situations of RF have already declared that explosion of gas as one of the versions of explosion seems to be improbable.

- Despite of all mentioned above, as it's already became accepted, neither consequence, nor mass-media mention a word "act of terrorism", - editor-in-chief of FORUM.msk Anatoly Baranov commented. - Probably, "casual handling with grenade" will be the final version. It remains behind brackets what a grenade did in the room of sanitary technicians. Probably, it was grenade but a subject similar to grenade. At that an event happened in the center of a city, in front of the very eyes of three victims and all of them are alive and at least one of them can give some evidences. Of course, such information protection of investigation is explainable, if it's a matter of terrorism - meanwhile a word "act of terrorism" is not heard and if it's "an accident" then investigation should provide maximum open way - so that such won't happen in the future.

"However the snoots we shall hear something intelligible in the near future from investigation, - Anatoly Baranov considers. - Less than a month remains up to elections and Petersburg - is a native land of a ruling dynasty. We shall notice, until recently whether the destiny, whether some mysterious selectivity in a work of terrorists protected Northern capital from terrorism. Houses and trains of the underground in Moscow blew up, buses burned in Tolyatti and Kursk, the markets on Northern Caucasus blew up while Peter's Hailstones stood steadfastly. Well, explosion of "Nevsky Express" was the first ring - not actually in Petersburg but in Novgorod Area and without victims. And suddenly - at once 3 victims in the very center of a city... Though the constructions of the building didn't suffer, explosion, by all appearances, was low-powered. So, of course, it was "casual handling", not "terrorism"...

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