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Elections Lost 20% of Legitimacy because of Nemtsov’s Performance

Elections Lost 20% of Legitimacy because of Nemtsov’s Performance
Baranov Anatoly 27.12.2007

Everybody, in general, understands that Dmitry Anatolevich Medvedev should win the first round. Under this known in advance result all configuration of election campaign is being built up. Not by a principle of fields but as theatrical performance with the script and direction. Everybody understands the difference between wrestling and kickboxing, isn't it? Without compromises because it's pregnant at such mass character of the performance.


Outsiders, inclined to impromptus, were eliminated at once, at a stage of registration. Pensioner Shenin did not have a statement of employment. Bukovsky was suspected in having the second citizenship. About 70 candidates more were eliminated under psychiatric indications. Six professionals remain, good temporary creative collective. Three political heavyweights - the left Zyuganov, liberal Nemtsov and populist Zhirinovsky. Kasyanov is also the heavyweight, maybe, light heavyweight, but he should be removed after weighing... sorry, at the stage of registration of signatures. A row, certainly, but "with some smell" - well, let's see what prime ministers we had during former times, swindlers, not capable even to collect signatures frankly... Still, actually, there was some Bogdanov, but it's to be on the safe side if suddenly all of them "will get spiritually stronger in struggle" and would at once run to get removed. Here then Bogdanov would represent guaranteed alternative.


Under Uzbek standard Bogdanov as well as comrade Suhov one costs all three contenders of the president Karimov on recent elections which pleased so much the chairman of the Russian Central Electoral Committee Churov. In Uzbekistan three contenders agitated exclusively for the president Karimov, totally forgetting about themselves. Bogdanov is the one on the Russian elections. It would be, for sure, more correctly to put forward somebody more respectable, instead of the leader of the party taken honourable last place on elections to Duma. But it turns out to be like vendetta to Kasyanov whom Mr. Bogdanov not so long ago "has chucked steak" with registration of Democratic party of Russia on ex-prime-minister. It, certainly, will be a kitch, if solid Kasyanov will be caught as fine swindler on the forged signatures (it's not possible to collect not forged ones for the given period in quantity of 2 million), meanwhile leader of the Democratic Party of Russia Bogdanov will be registered with precisely same adulteration.


So, well, Boris Nemtsov decided to confuse all this jolly pool.


In our country, certainly, Nemtsov's beautiful and correct move will be at once forgotten but from the point of view of political technology he has made absolutely right decision. Firstly, he deduced himself from the number of the defeat at the guaranteed defeat. Secondly, he presented his output from a game as a victim in the name of some common business, let even not existing in reality. Not so long ago, at the congress of the Union of Right Forces which put him forward as its candidate for president, Nemtsov precisely characterized the current situation from the point of view of political science: "All of us are in shit". So, now Boris Efimovich is all over in white. Certainly, he won't bear till the next elections, he will get in dirt again but his technical decision is the right one.


Now Kasyanov has no opportunity to be removed to someone's benefit - really not in favour of Zyuganov with Zhirinovsky. Petition is - guaranteed "buckpassing" though with Nemtsov's rejection ex-prime-minister still has a free niche of the liberal. Bogdanoc can't occupy it because of his insignificance, Zhirinovsky, on the contrary, can't find the place and liberal Zyuganov can't exist in nature. If to remove now Kasyanov, then there will be three sparring partners of the successor, exactly as Karimov had. Bad analogy.


The most interesting is that Kasyanov whose leg Nemtsov, as a matter of fact, has slightly pulled, should do everything that he would be removed from elections not to lose with devastating score. Only it is undesirable that it will be done for the forged signatures. It is necessary to think out any other reason - for bad behaviour, for infringement of rules of propaganda, for debauch and uproar...


Certainly, if there was real policy in our country, then at such guaranteed deal it would be necessary to wait for removal of all candidates, except for the successor. But here there is a difficulty not in Bogdanoc - elections won with such "opponent" at any calculation would not be legitimate and would not be recognized by anybody, except for democratic free Uzbekistan. But to wait that Zyuganov and Zhirinovsky will be removed together with Kasyanov is not real.


To discuss a variant of protest removal of Zhirinovsky is senseless - he was said to stand for and no matter how disgusting it's for Vladimir Volfovich - a clever and sensitive man - it's not possible to refuse.


Zyuganov's situation is even more dramatic. From the point of view of real policy it's inadmissible for Zyuganov to play out these elections. After elections to Duma where the Communist Party of the Russian Federation under his guidance received even 1 percent less, than in devastating 2003, more or less adequate people in the party perceive Zyuganov's promotion as direct yielding of the party to the Kremlin. The logic of political struggle unequivocally demands from Zyuganov to throw loudly his candidate certificate to the table, as beside a number of leaders just acted for the refusal from Duma mandates by all the party. They didn't refuse from their deputy posts, the same way Zyuganov won't refuse from taking part in farce of presidential "as though elections".


Undoubtedly, removal simultaneously of Zyuganov, Kasyanov and Nemtsov already would put forthcoming presidential elections out of the frameworks of legitimacy. And Zhirinovsky with Bogdanov won't save the day. The Central Electoral Committee would miscalculate and narrowed a circle of applicants too much, it could be possible to take advantage of it, if... If we really had political opposition instead of its more or less talented imitations.


- Today only miracle can rescue political opposition, - one of possible candidates on a post of the president of the Russian Federation Boba Jesusovich Rabinovich considers, - we shall tell my promotion on these elections could be such a miracle. Then, certainly, I not simply would make competition to the successor, I would win. I am often asked, how I can be put forward, if registration is already finished? Unbelievers! If there is something impossible for the Grandson Divine? The Grandfather will want and the next day I shall be in the lists of the candidates in president. Whether it was Churov who created the heaven and the earth, earthy and heavenly creatures? And if the one created the heaven and the earth is not the owner and the Central Electoral Committee? All in the lap of the God and even Churov though he thinks not of the Grandfather but about pies, meanwhile it's a post now. There are no other variants either a miracle - and I'm the president, or the successor. But the successor in fact is also from the Grandfather, both locust and mosquitoes and crab louses - all are from him. So that do you want, unbelievers? Pray and there will be I. Or do not pray and all the same nobody will ask you. Get away, I am busy.
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