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The Ministry of Defence of the Russian Federation Funds and It’s Not a Fool Joke

The Ministry of Defence of the Russian Federation Funds and It’s Not a Fool Joke

Persistent desire of our market experts to "go private" everything and everybody evokes admiration. At that if in the 90th, they successful got that "lies badly" now their appetites already extend to what lie as if "well", is an integral component of defensive potential of the country. With all the trimmings, the good purpose - putting the account and use of the state property fixed to defensive department in order - is proclaimed.


Top - managers invited from Petersburg (what will they do without the native land of the Supreme commander in chief) by Minister of Defence A.E.Serdjukov, esteemed "the property of the Ministry of Defence of the Russian Federation boundlessly and randomly. To put things in order, it should be privatized having created the joint stock company - JSC "Ministry of Defence of the Russian Federation".


The authorized capital of JSC will be made by the shares of five subholdings:


- on automobile and armor repair;

- on aviation repair;

- on repair of arms and military technics;

- on construction and operation of objects of the real estate;

- on agriculture".


Under the offer of newly appeared "advisers" (as a rule no day doing military service) "it is necessary to eliminate superfluous, unnecessary property while - to integrate, consolidate and privatize in favour of the state - what is necessary, while it's not appropriated ostensibly by smart generals with their swindlers".


It is offered to develop next year the program of reorganization of subordinated property and to pass corresponding federal law. All actives of the ministry should be thoroughly studied and divided on necessary and unnecessary. Necessary - consolidated and prepared for privatization, unnecessary - sold.


Naturally, objects of social value are referred to unnecessary. Privatizers don't care what world - wide known military theoricians Klausevitz, Moltke, Tikhomirov, Napoleon spoke about human factor in construction of armed forces of the state. On their market "thinking" social base is unnecessary burden. And as in the 90th years at privatization of factories and plants, it is necessary to get rid of it. What for sanatoria, rest homes and recreation centers, sport clubs, officers' clubs, centers and constructions, etc? It's not military equipment and grounds in fact.


Military men need rehabilitation after illness? Take vouchers to civil sanatoria. What is the difference where to be rehabilitated! What specificity of organisms of pilots and submariners? Nonsense! What about the right of veterans to sanatorium treatment? Don't care, let them be treated under vouchers of local pension and social establishments. Pensioners are all the same used materials for the state, unnecessary burden.


For certain militarians will be offered some cheap indemnification. Misters advisers, we have already studied such variants! Here you are some examples of bold deceits of citizens with epaulettes.


The 90th years. Under the decree of the president some hundred thousands apartments were given to local authorities. Unnecessary burden for their maintenance was removed from the bodies of military management. Everything was good before acceptance of new housing code - released apartments were occupied again by helpless militarians. From 2005 the housing legislation does not provide federal employees with municipal habitation. Consequence - hundreds of litigations all over the country with contest of decisions of the domestic commissions of military corps about allocation of free apartments to the waiters as well as settled military men to local authorities in connection to the refusal of the last to register them according to the place of living.


The 8th of June, 2000. Some changes to legislation. Official salaries of military men are not any longer connected to the minimum wage as they are also civil employees and increase of official salaries to them will be made simultaneously with increase of salaries of the officials. And in 2005 the first vice-president of government A.I. Zhukov in answer to deputy inquiry about the reasons of non-increase salaries to the militarians at the next increase of official salaries, frankly declares that the government doesn't treat military men as state employees! That's all. Meanwhile minimum wage is today more than 2 thousand!


On the 7th of May, 2002 privileges of military men on housing-and-municipal payments were cancelled. The law stipulated a duty of the government to index a monetary contentment according to a rise in prices and tariffs annually. Two years there were no raises. Originally participation in the program "State Housing Certificates" was especially voluntary thing, only one of the variants to receive permanent habitation. Thus the State Housing Certificate paid up to 80% of real market cost of the apartment. Nowadays the certificate is actually a single source variant and pays only 30% of the sum necessary.


I am sure the same "chucker" waits military men also with sanatorium treatment. Such conditions will be created that the purchase of vouchers will become impossible for them. "The road to hell is paved with good intensions". Taking into consideration aforesaid, one could hardly trust in sincerity of intentions of advisers of Minister of Defence to improve really a state of things in the Ministry of Defence. Most likely, the grown change of privatizers having seen in a the household of army and fleet an opportunity to have a pie, decided to get its piece of a state pie. Military sanatoria, officers' houses, yacht-clubs, stadiums are too attractive to receive super profits after their sale. For us, seaside military veterans, it's pregnant with loss of the last opportunity to have free trip to the central and western regions of Russia.

J. Tarlavin,

Deputy Chairman of All-Russia Trade Union of Military Men - Chairman of Seaside Regional Organization of trade Unions.

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