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Magazine Time Named Putin Tsar and He Seems to Be Not Against

Magazine Time Named Putin Tsar and He Seems to Be Not Against

American magazine Time declared its rating of persons of 2007 having named the president of Russia Vladimir Putin a person of a leaving year. Last Russian politician who received that title was the first and the last president of the USSR Michael Gorbachev whom the magazine in 1989 chose as "a person of decade".

In opinion of editorial board of magazine, this year Putin was just the person who more than others influenced news and our lives - in good and bad sense. First special measures which would allow him to remain for the third presidential term were awaited from him, then - the announcement of a name of the successor and after - an application about future place of his work. "He - is a new Russian tsar, he is dangerous in the sense that he doesn't care of civil freedom, freedom of speech. But paying big price of principles and ideas, he sacrificed his ambitions for the sake of stability of nation and movement of Russia to a world supremacy which it didn't have for the last 100 years", - Time writes.

In a rating Vladimir Putin bypassed the Nobel winner of the world of the current year, ex-vice-president of the USA Albert Gor, British writer Johan Rolling, the leader of China Hu Tszintao and the commander-in-chief of incorporated forces in Iraq general David Retraus.

- There is, certainly, something to be proud of, - editor-in-chief of FORUM.msk Anatoly Baranov noticed in this occasion. - He was found out on a cover, not in "Crocodile". The other thing occupies my mind - when democratically elected leader is named tsar, it in any way should be perceived as insult and damage of reputation. But we hardly should wait for the judicial claim from Putin to magazine. On the contrary, he, apparently, is extremely happy, he was photographed as to the business card, gave an interview. Though, judging from the fact that the group of news on the cover of "Time" is formed only in the Ukrainian part of Yandex and mostly from the Ukrainian resources, it's possible to think, that someone will receive special thanks for the interview and especially for the photo. But if there will be no refutation, it is interesting - whether it is possible now to write about Putin - tsar? Under the Russian law on mass-media it looks as if it is possible...

"Well about "tsarevitch Dimitry" turns out to be completely bad, some gloom, vagueness, Igor Ivanych with a knife, ugh... " - Baranov finished.

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