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Alliance of Liberals: When the Sum Is Less than Its Components

Alliance of Liberals: When the Sum Is Less than Its Components
Leaders of liberal opposition Michael Kasyanov and Boris Nemtsov agreed about creation of coalition "For Russia without Arbitrariness and Corruption". The coalition included the Russian People's Democratic Union, movement "Solidarity", movement "For Democratic Choice" of Vladimir Milov and Republican Party of Russia of Vladimir Ryzhkov. It is supposed that political party will be created on the basis of coalition.
Participants of a coalition haven't agreed about a figure of the uniform opposition candidate yet.
Edward Limonov is sure that disintegration waits new coalition of democratic forces created on Thursday on September, 16th. According to E.Limonov, it's impossible to avoid the conflict at big quantity of leaders. "It is bad, when there are a lot of generals", - Limonov considers.
Besides, E.Limonov criticized idea of unified candidate in presidents from coalition. "The candidate from democratic forces is candidate from hardly probable 10 percent of the population. It means that they doom themselves to defeat. Universal candidate is necessary - from all forces, from people", - the writer explained.
Participants of coalition haven't agreed yet on the figure of the unified candidate.
Form editorial board: Surely, forming of party project on the liberal front of non-system opposition should be welcomed. If it's a party project and not brotherly grave.
Limonov is absolutely right about "generals". Who will be the chief? Judging from the previous post it should be Kasyanov but today he presents nothing - the Russian People's Democratic Union has neither mass party membership base, not evident social layer which could back him up.
Surely Nemtsov is now a political figure but there's a trace of claims to his "former life" which will pursuit him in liberal camp and will prevent him from becoming unique leader even in "Solidarity" not speaking about coalition project.
Who else? Мilov? Ryzhkov? Yashin...
Besides - what about "Solidarity"? After all "fair liberals" gathered party with such strain, by common efforts - whether they will merge it now by common efforts? To merge it with obviously virtual political formations where, as a matter of fact, there's nothing except leaders with loud names. In general it's clear technologically but it is very difficult to explain to people, especially when these people don't trust without it.
Kasparov's silence is quite clear in this context - probably he sees internal discrepancy of the project better, than other. Certainly, he will welcome every association of forces but only in case this association will lead to strengthening and not to weakening of position. For the time joining of zeros to "Solidarity" is taking place. It will be necessary to carry out rebranding of formula "For Russia without Arbitrariness and Corruption" from obviously languid and unsuccessful to essential - "For All Good against All Bad".
By the way, about possible program - not about that empty document which is submitted to Ministry of Justice but about the real program. If the name of coalition reflects the essence of what's going on, than not the change of a social system, that is in no way revolution but only "the same but with nacreous buttons" is being offered. Though then Medvedev will suit to the role of leader, especially if he will finally quarrel with Putin. Only Medvedev, of course, will hardly agree.
In general, it turns out to be disputable and irresolutely. Limonov speaks about 10 percent of voters with liberal expectations. If he is right (and our poll testifies that most likely he is), these 10% should be divided with "Right Cause" and "Yabloko" - even in case of successful registration. Electoral prospect is not inspiring... Though, I think, nobody has seriously thought about it and in vain.

Аnatoly Baranov, editor-in-chief of FORUM.msk
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