
"Primakov's List". Who Opens "Pandora's Box"?

"Primakov's List". Who Opens "Pandora's Box"?
Basanets Paul 18.09.2010

It's useless to discuss the plots of last films about Luzhkov. Information they contain is widely known. It should be interesting first of all to the Public Prosecution Office. If there's such in Russia.

However in the society, especially in regions logical desire of people to fathom a mystery of enrichment of other regional leaders and their "talented" wives and children appears. It's not known if local conflict will lead to the opening of Classical Greek "Pandora's Box"?

While employees of Public Prosecution Office think "where to begin", I will propose them "Primakov's list" published by "New Newspaper" already in 1999. It's "interesting" that surnames of Luzhkov and Baturina are already present in the list.

How is it possible to explain the fact that professional of the "second oldest trade" underwent sudden clarification only yesterday?

Why do they see only two surnames?

To what extend "Primakov's list" which contains 162 surnames is topical after 11 years?  

If there's necessity to continue "The List"? If Russia at last should get acquainted to its heroes?

On TV.

I am sure that regions will nominate own "heroes" on star part of the most entertaining soap opera "Rich Will Also Pay".

"... In accordance with Your order I present you the list of names on which our enforcement bodies including ours have compromising evidences of criminal-processual character about infringements in housekeeping and financial spheres. Authenticity of data should be subjected to check in relation to some persons.

In connection with limited term of fulfillment of the order and interdepartmental difficulties on the stage of gathering of information the list is not full and could be continues essentially.

Waiting for Your instructions".

Date. Signature. And short - all in all on two pages - appendix: the list of 162 surnames. This letter was received by administration of the Russian Federation on February, 15th, 1999. Sender - one of the heads of the General Prosecutor's Office, receiver - prime-minister.

1. Beresovsky B. á.
2. ábramovich R. á.
3. áksenenko N. å.
4. Patarkatsishvily B. S.
5. ërasnenker á. S.
6. Itskov L.
7. Gorodilov V. á.
8. Glushkov N. á.
9. Lebed á. I.
10. Cherny L. S.
11. Cherny í. S.
12. Yeltsin B.N.
13. Dyachenko ô. B.
14. ïkulov V. í.
15. Voloshin  A. S.
16. Yumashev V. M.
17. Sysuev ï. N.
18. Borodin P. P.
19. Shabdurasulov I. V.
20. Chernomyrdin V. S.
21. ôÁrpischev S. á.
22. ëorzhakov á. V.
23. Soskovets ï. N.
24. Luzhkov Y. í.
25. Baturina å. N.
26. Shantsev V. P.
27. åvtushenko V. P.
28. Resin V. I.
29. Borodin A. F.
30. Bukato V. I.
31. ëÏbzon I. D.
32. ëulikov á. S.
33. Boos G. V
34. Yastrezhemsky S. V.
35. Soldatenkov G. V.
36. Novitsky E. G.
37. Shajmiev M. S.
33. Bekh N. I.
39. Geraschenko V. V.
40. Volsky A. I.
41. Yakovlev V. á.
42. ëÏgan V.
43. áushev R.S.
44. Gusynsky V. á.
45. Khait B. G.
46. íÁlashenko I. å.
47. ëiselev å. á.
48. Chubays á. B.
49. Nechaev á. á.
50. Nemtsov B. å.
51. Urinson Y. í.
52. Gaydar å. ô.
53. ëirienko S. V.
54. ëÏkh á. R.
55. ëudrin á. L.
56. Vavilov á. P.
57. íÏstovoj P. P.
58. Fedorov B. G.
59. Vyakhirev R. I.
60. Derezhev S.R.
61. ôarasov V. I.
62. Lebedev á. å.
63. álekperov V.Y.
64. Fedun L. á.
65. Dubinin S. ë.
66. áleksashenko S.V.
67. ëÁzmyn á. I.
68. ôulin D.V.
69. ëiselev V. á.
70. Zakharov á. V.
71. Khodorkovsky M. B.
72. Nevzlyn L. B.
73. íuravlenko S.V
74. Ivanenko V. V.
75. íÏnakhov S. V.
76. Zurabov A. Y.
77. Generalov S. V.
78. Dubov V. í.
79. Potanin V. ï.
80. Prokhorov M. D.
81. Khloponin á. G.
82. ïsinyagov S. L.
83. Jordan B. á.
84. Rydnik Y.
85. áven P. ï.
86. Fridman í. í.
87. Rappoport á. N.
88. Smolensky á. P.
89. Vinogradov V. V.
90. Rodionov S. S.
91. Dubenetsky Y. N.
92. ôrushin Y. V.
93. Khokhlov V. A.
94. ôÏsunyan G. á.
95. Raevskaya N. á.
96. ïrlov D. L.
97. Pugin N. á.
98. Bogdanov V. L.
99. Putilova á. å.
100. Shtyrov V. á.
101. ëÁdannikov V. V.
102. Nikolaev á. V.
103. Yakovlev V. å.
104. Bulgak V. B.
105. Belov ï. G.
106. Bendukidze ë. á.
107. ëÏrovin V. V.
108. Paly V. ï.
109. Galeev R. G.
110. Fedorov S. N.
111. ëÏlpakov Y. D.
112. Vlasov A. F.
113. íÁsarsky M. V.
114. Tarantsev A.R.
115. Zhirinovsky V.V.
116. Rossel E.E.
117. Shokhin A.N.
118. Zyuganov G. á.
119. Seleznev G.N.
120. ôitov ë. á.
121. Sklyarov I.P.
122. Stroev E.S.
123. íukha V. P.
124. ôuleev á. í.
125. Yavlinsky G. á.
126. Borovoj ë. N.
127. Zadornov í. í.
128. Nazdratenko å. I.
129. Rybkin I. P.
130. Lunin V.P.
131. Lakhova å. F.
132. Starodubtsev V. á.
133. ëÏtelkin á. I.
134. íÁlkin V.B.
135. Fedorov N. V.
136. Bazhaev Z.Y.
137. Dovgan V.V.
138. Daursky á. N.
139. Bryntsalov V.A.
140. ëÏstin á. P.
141. ánanyev å. N.
142. ëudryavy V. V.
143. Semago V.V.
144. Lisyn V.S.
145. áyatskov D.F.
146. Rapota G. á.
147. Khagazheev D. ô.
148. ëlimyn á. V.
149. Panikyn A.S.
150. Bolloev ô. ë.
151. Ilyumzhinov K.N.
152. Shevchenko V.S.
153. Bykov A. P.
154. Smirnov B. á.
155. Fine á. í.
156. Loginov A. V.
157. Zavryukhina á. H.
158. Bordyuzha N. N.
159. Gustov V. á.
160. Kukes S. G.
161. Bakaleykyn I. á.
162. Sagalaev E. í.

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