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The USA in Iraq Entered into Negotiations and Made a Composition with the Deputy of Saddam Hussein

The USA in Iraq Entered into Negotiations and Made a Composition with the Deputy of Saddam Hussein

It looks as if the point of view on opportunity and expediency of the power decision of a nuclear problem of Iran changes in administration of the USA. Former assistant to the state secretary of the USA, the former ambassador of the USA in the United Nations John Bolton declared about it in the interview to the magazine "Newsweek". As he said, "There was a significant shift aside refusal of use of military force" behind which state secretary Kondoliza Rajs and Minister of Defence Robert Gates stand.


"If only one year ago you would ask me, whether the president uses force in case Iran will not stop the nuclear program to the end of his term, I would answer "yes". But now more and more I tend to the point of view that he will not apply military force", - Bolton known for his hard line in relation to Iran as well as by numerous appeals to use against this country military force declared.


Bolton paid attention to public applications of representatives of military management of the USA, including chairman of the Incorporated Committee of Chiefs of Staffs admiral Michael Mullen who were against impact across Iran. "I think, that many statements of militarians actually reflect what minister Gates thinks and militarians simply show that they agree with the boss", - the retired diplomat said.


"Newsweek" specifies steps undertaken by opponents of the military action against Iran, including mitigation by the American militarians of criticism of actions of Iran in Iraq: "It is classical Gates - no noisy confrontation with (vice-president of the USA, the supporter of a rigid line Richard) Cheney, only imperceptible, pragmatic steps to avoid flash of a fire". The magazine approves that during a visit in the end of summer of the Near East Gates confidentially informed leaders of Saudi Arabia, Egypt, Jordan and United Arab Emirates about absence of a desire from the part of the USA to draw an impact across Iran in the near future.


Change of the approach of the USA to Iran is also stated by the newspaper "Los Angeles Times" which paid attention to noticeable decrease of the antiIranian rhetoric from the American military management in Iraq: "Within last two months there could be seen a shift in the attitude to Iran from the American militarians and diplomats".


The newspaper writes that officials of the USA receded from charges that the management of Iran ostensibly organized large illicit deliveries of the weapon and ammunition to Iraq and in the mass order transfers there its agency. The Americans agreed to carry out a new round of negotiations between Iran and Iraq in connection with safety, at that "carrying out of a meeting is expected in the current month".


Changes in the approach of administration of the USA in relation to Iran are visible also in public applications about desirability to avoid military impact, with which admiral Mullen and the chapter of the Central Command of the USA William Fallon acted.

Meanwhile it was revealed that the USA confessed that in Autumn, 2003 Iran stopped its program of creation of nuclear weapon, though it hadn't got yet possibilities of its development. It's stated in the report of the National Intelligence of the USA which non-secret part was promulgated yesterday. According to this data, Iran stopped its works in 2003 under the pressure from the part of international community, however it proceeded with enrichment of uranium. It means that Teheran still has opportunities to develop own nuclear weapon in the period during 2010 and 2015, is stated in the report of the National Intelligence of the USA.

"Decision of Teheran to stop the development of the program shown that it's aimed to develop nuclear weapon to less degree than we have been supposing from 2005", - is stressed in the document. "It's a good news showing that the policy of the USA multiplied on policy and actions of those who are our partners, obviously, let to achieve certain success, - representative of administration of the USA declared. - Iran, obviously, suffers pressure. We want to increase this pressure further more". 

Meanwhile Robert Gates declared that impact on Iran would be now "strategic catastrophe" for America. He said it already at the end of September on a meeting with political committee of oppositional Democratic Party in Senate. Senator Evan Bye who was present at a meeting told about it to the magazine «Newsweek».

According to «Newsweek», one of the lawmakers Gates "asked nervously" «if administration of Bush is searching for the motive to bomb Iran". "It will be strategic catastrophe to attack Iran now", - the Minister of Defence of the USA answered. According to Bye, "a feeling of release among the present was palpable".

«Newsweek» devoted a bit article to foreign policy views of Gates. "In the present time Gates is considered as the best guarantee that Bush's administration won't leave fires in Iran as its heritage", - the magazine writes. According to his own words, Gates agree with "common point of view" that Iran shouldn't acquire nuclear weapon.

Gates appeal to stiffer sanctions against Teheran which yesterday to the surprise of many but not for the Minister of Defence of the USA were supported by China. Theoretically he doesn't exclude power variant. "But at that the Minister of Defence also said to his team-mates that bombing of Iran would throw oil-rich region into turmoil, would provoke acts of terrorism on the Europe and, possibly, the USA and also would strengthen, not weaken Iranian mode having restrained its nuclear ambitions for a year or two".

Alongside with Iran Robert Gates is aspired to appease another Middle-East enemy of the USA - Syria, tonality towards it also has changed during the last time. As Deputy Commander in Chief of the American contingent in Iraq general-lieutenant Raymond Oderno declared in the interview to TV-company CNN, the number of foreigners who passed to Iraq though Syria had reduced on 25-30.

Oderno expressed satisfaction that Syria "undertakes certain additional obligations" in relation to protection of border with Iran which length is nearby 570km. As representatives of Security Forces of Syria note, for the last years Damask made everything to normalize situation on the border in boundary zone. There are Syrian observation post all along the whole length of the border each 400 meters. Nevertheless, as the Syrians consider, it's practically not possible to control all movements on the border with Iran.

Making comments on the meltdown of the position of the USA towards Iran and Syria, political scientist Ruslan Saidov by phone from United Arab Emirates said:

"Foreign policy of the USA especially on the Middle and Near East earlier was defined the group Cheney - Ramsfeld. It was it that led America in Iran and Afganistan into dead end. With Robert Gates's arrival situation began o change starting from last year. Possibility of war of the USA against Iran sharply reduced notwithstanding persistent demands of Cheney's adherents - such as Bolton and right Israeli circles - to draw an impact.

A prospect of achievement of peace between Syria and Israel appeared. At the suggestion of Gates the Americans in Iraq at last entered into the dialogue with Moslems - Sunnites - the only force in the region capable of restrain expansionism of Iran and its allies - Shiites on the East of Iran with the help of Saudi Arabia, Kuwait and United Arab Emirates.

In Jordan, despite of all denials, secret meeting of the members of CIA, DIA and the State Department of the USA with representatives of Iraqi party BAAS headed by Izat Ibragim - vice-president of Iraq at Saddam Hussein - took place. 4-month cease-fire was established after the meeting. It was also announced that in summer, 2008 the American armies in Iraq would totally refuse from control of territories and would be centered on few military bases.

Alongside with declared prospects in Syria, Iraq and Iran, positions of the USA on such questions as politically unstable nuclear Pakistan and Palestinian-Israeli dissociation on the Western coast of Jordan are still in dead-end, meanwhile there is no way out from it".
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