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Does Putin Leave to Come Back?

Does Putin Leave to Come Back?

In political analysts community very plausible hearing that Vladimir Putin literally one of these days will submit to resignation is being exaggerated. Of course to that as far as possible to win triumphal elections in the Duma as the leader of "Edinaya Russia" and then to be put forward from this party for the third term - but not as the president but as ordinary citizen V.V.Putin.


It have been started to be discussed also in the West. Here you are what Die Presse writes about it in its edit:


"Alexander Shokhin, one of the lambs and in combination the chapter of the Russian union of industrialists and businessmen, wishes absolutely lawfully to help Putin to go in the next year for the third term. A loophole in the law will make it possible. The constitution will allow Putin to stand for the third term in case if he before elections will retire ahead of schedule and voting will not be cancelled because of his leaving.


(...) To work Shokhin's project on preservation of authority by Putin should as follows: on next Monday Putin will declare the date of presidential elections. Right after that the president should divest himself of authority and... mission is executed! On elections Putin will propose his candidature not as the president. Elections are already appointed and have nothing in common with his resignation.


They say in administration of the president that it would really be quite good opportunity and that it's necessary to look round. According to employees of the Kremlin, Putin has not made the final decision. "Such things are being discussed not by him, but by his environment", - the representative of administration added. Putin, on the contrary, entirely adheres to rules of the real gentleman: "to enjoy and be silent". And to make decision by himself".


Cleanly technically such focus can be carried out easily, political analyst Anatoly Baranov considers as precedent already took place with Samara governor Titov who had retired some months prior to elections and then was re-elected for the third term.


"Actually, degradation of the Russian society has reached such a level that Putin can re-elect himself for the third term even without any legislative tricks, - Anatoly Baranov considers. - He can simply renominate himself or proclaim a tsar, the pharaon, the Lord, the fire chief. Everything will be accepted by the country practically resignedly: well, the pharaon then the pharaon. Glory to the first pharaon of democratic free Russia!"


It's another matter, Anatoly Baranov believes, that Putin's election as the chapter of "Edinaya Russia" after his resignation can play with him malicious joke as it will be clear to everyone, even to narrow-minded Russian that there is a fraud here. There is a clause of the Constitution of the Russian Federation and there is an obvious intention to bypass it. A different matter is that the Constitution is pretty often frankly broken even not by the president but by almost each sergeant of militia, in particular the clause 21 which guarantees to citizens that "dignity of a person is protected by the state. Nothing can be the basis for its belittling. Nobody should be exposed to tortures, violence, any other severe or humbling humiliating human dignity treatment or punishment". But nobody protests against sergeant because he has a baton and rich constitutional experience of its application. But protest voting in case society nevertheless will be indignant with how it's been cheated does not demand bravery - it enough to vote. So, it's possible that one can decide to vote "as one should". It's a problem as if nearby 60 percent of citizens will come to the cites and the majority of them will vote in the "wrong" way, it will be difficult to do something with such elections. And Putin, probably, realizing it oscillates and reflects. If it will happen so that, for example, acting as the president will decide and "throw" him - agree with chairman of the Supreme court and that one will cancel Putin's promotion for the third term? Well, whether it's possible to know, where and how true colleagues can pull the plug? So the president has the time of thinking...


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