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Dockers of Petersburg Strike – Support Them!

Dockers of Petersburg Strike – Support Them!

Strike in Sea port of St.-Petersburg proceeds and negotiations while have not given any positive results. According to chairman of strike committee Alexander Moiseenko, administration didn't come to the strikers and didn't give any promises. Besides the management suggested to close conciliatory commission which had been working already for a week over reconciliation of workers and administrations. In opinion of the strikers, it's another gesture against dockers.


By the way, according to Moiseenko, they received no decisions of court and information about the process on a case about recognition of the strike illegal (the corresponding claim administration submitted on the eve).


So, on November, 13th the dockers of the First, Second and Fourth stevedore companies entering the group of Joint Stock Company "Seaport St.-Petersburg", the member of the trade union began the strike. The strike will have a character of a termless one until administration will not go on concessions to dockers, Moiseenko emphasizes. We shall remind that the workers of the port demand to raise the base rate of the wage on 30% and better working conditions.


The schedule of work of dockers of three stevedore companies of Petersburg looks as follows: one hour they work in the morning and one hour - in the evening. As A.Moiseenko himself admitted, it's obviously not possible to work up any vessel during two hours.


On 8 o'clock in the morning on November, 13th there were 27 ships at anchorage and on spot-check waiting for berthing at the moorings of "Sea Port".


As the captain of the port St.-Petersburg Alexander Gluhov said to SeaNews, the destiny of the ships waiting for the turn on spot-check in many respects would depend on how the contract was made. Proceeding from this document the captain of a vessel can remain to wait for the turn, to leave to another stevedore or to another port.


According to Information Agency SeaNews, by the results of 9 months of the current year the First, Second and Fourth stevedore companies totally worked up 8,915 mln tons of cargoes of different nomenclature. Including on a share of Joint Stock Company "The First Stevedore Company" makes up 3.990 mln tons, Joint Stock Company "The Fourth Stevedore Company" - 3.343 mln tons, Joint Stock Company "The Second Svetedore Company" - 1.581 mln tons.


Thus, on the average all three companies pass nearby 990,5 thousand tons monthly, from which 443 thousand tons fall on the share of the First stevedore, 371,5 thousand tons - on the Fourth stevedore and 175,7 thousand tons - on the Second stevedore company.


I.e., a daily average turnover of the goods (and, accordingly, daily losses during strike) is nearby 32,6 thousand tons. The average turnover of the goods of the First stevedore daily makes nearby 14,6 thousand tons, of the Fourth stevedore - 12,2 thousand tons, of the Second stevedore company - nearby 5,8 thousand tons.


For today dockers are, perhaps, the most organized and conscious part of working class in Russia, political scientist Anatoly Baranov considers. Dockers earn not bad money, it is a heavy but rather skilled work and these people are educated and competent. A lot of year already they just as in the developed capitalist countries deduct a part of earnings on the maintenance of the trade union and it is their docker's trade union and not some puppet Russian Federation of Independent Trade Unions. Dockers have also strike funds that allows them to hold strike as long as it will be necessary, then it's possible to be absolutely sure that dockers of other ports will support the dockers from Petersburg. It is real example for imitation - alternative trade unions are only formed on large conveyor manufactures and the working mass still deliberates if it really needs it or not, meanwhile dockers already for a very long time have everything working and bringing port worker enormous advantage. And certainly to support dockers of Petersburg port - is a point of honour of all left parties and organizations.
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