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On August, 31st Everything Was as on July, 31st

On August, 31st Everything Was as on July, 31st

Not less than 300 people took part in action "Strategy-31" on Triumphal Square, about 100 people are detained. Militia acted more rigidly in comparison with last action. It was almost impossible to walk along Bolshaya Sadovaya from metro station Mayakovskaya.

Almost all organizers of a meeting are detained. Coordinator of the movement "Left Front" Sergey Udaltsov, Boris Nemtsov, Konstantin Kosyakin and Eduard Liminov are detained.

Analysis of the situation on non-sanctioned meeting of opposition which took place on Triumphal Square on August, 31st will be given at the session of Social Council at Chief Directorate of Internal Affairs of Moscow.

"At the session of Social Council we would be obliged to return to the question of practice of carrying out of such actions. It's necessary to work our the rules not only for the participants of the meeting but also for militia," - a member of Social Council at Chief Directorate of Internal Affairs of Moscow, editor-in-chief of radio-station "Echo of Moscow" Alexey Venediktov who was a witness of non-sanctioned action of opposition and actions of militia on Tuesday declared to "Interfax". According to his estimation, employees of militia dispersing participants of the meeting used excessive force.

Actually, it was expected in the light of direct instruction of prime minister Vladimir Putin "to heat over the head". Authorities, obviously, think that episode with Khimkinsky forest is enough for demonstration of existence of dialogue with civil society. Triumphal Square together with article 31 of the Constitution - more than enough. Besides, opposition itself is no ready to such mass concessions - what would they do if they receive Square and article 31?

It's convenient for authorities that all mutual demands of opposition in fact mean protection of Khimkinsky forest, Square in the centre of Moscow and article 31 of the Constitution. Slogan "Putin in Resignation" is already shared not by all. As to the positive programs and image of the future here understanding of problems could be very different, sometimes even quite controversy which makes both propaganda work and intercept of slogans by authorities easy as it was with khimkinsky forest - "Young Guard of Edinaya Russia" still continues gathering of signatures for cutting off the forest, while "Edinaya Russia" already asks the president to stop the cutting.

Opposition is not capable to propose such general tasks and aims at least at the level of slogan which couldn't be intercepted by authorities. "Tactics of petty matters" (to protect forest, not to let to break the fence and so on) leads to corresponding petty results. Though if it becomes almost impossible to go to the square, then it's also difficult to talk about legal political activity. The mode simply presses discontented from legal field. Accordingly, large-scale targets of opposition will get ripen with a view to different political toolkits.


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