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To August, 31st Putin Returned Russia to the Epoch of Physical Punishment

To August, 31st Putin Returned Russia to the Epoch of Physical Punishment

"It's necessary to get permission of local authorities. Have you got it? Then go and carry out demonstrations, if no - you don't have such a right. You carry out demonstration without permission - you will get over the head," prime minister and "national leader" declared on the eve of August, 31st. Today is August, 31st and people all the same will go to the announced meeting on Triumphal Square. Thus it's out civil duty to return to the theme as if detailed enlightened by Dmitry Cherny.

"Interview of the chairman of the government of RF V.V.Putin is shocking in its tone and abusive for citizens of RUssia, - Eduard Limonov writes in his blog. - It contains elements of horrification by threat of violence and appeals to apply force could be felt. Provocation of law enforcement bodies to application of force is evident. Thus the phrase "you will get over the head" is mentioned three times". 

I would note that it's the first time since 1904 when system of physical punishment is actually being introduced in Russia, it already exists without registration and now it passes to the level of legal relations between people and repressive bodies of the power. In fact cancellation of physical punishment in Europe started in 18th century and meant transition from Middle Ages to the age of Enlightenment.

It's useful to remind that legislature of many countries consider physical punishments in any form contradictory to Universal Declaration of Human Rights of 1948 and Covenant on Civil and Political Rights of 1966 which in particular forbids torments and cruel, inhuman and humiliating dignity of a man punishments. Russia, certainly, signed all those international documents and article 15 of the Constitution of RF in item 4 says: "Universally recognized principles and norms of international law and international agreements of the Russian Federation is a compound part of its legal system. If international agreement of the Russian Federation establishes other rules than the ones provided by law, than the rules of the international agreement is being applied".

However we know how Constitution and international agreements are being followed in our country. Supreme power in Russia implicitly and absolutely non-constitutionally belongs to one person and this person yesterday openly approved application of physical punishments in the form of beating with the batt over the head of troublemakers carrying out meetings and mass actions. It's possible, of course, to say that Mister Putin expressed figuratively but it's a rule in Russia to fulfill orders of the management literally. So, if today people will be beaten on Triumphal Square, then they would be beaten with the batts and exactly over the head till something else would not be provided by the law "About Police". In fact Putin approved!

Naturally physical punishments should be introduced under some law but already tomorrow it will be wildly applied on all legal field - in fact, what's the need of judicial and procedural bureaucratic delay, if it's possible simply to beat delinquent at the pleasure of employee of Ministry of Internal Affairs? Later in the court, if there will be such, it's possible to declare that employee acted strictly within the limits of his powers. Putin approved...

Anatoly Baranov, editor-in-chief of FORUM.msk

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