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Sergey Udaltsov Arrested during Day of Anger Went at Large

Sergey Udaltsov Arrested during Day of Anger Went at Large

Coordinator of Moscow Council and movement Left Front, one of the organizers of Day of Anger in Moscow Sergey Udaltsov was released late in the evening on August, 16th, he used to stay in special detention center on Simpheropolsky Bulvar where he served administrative arrest for 96 hours. During arrest Udaltsov went on hunger-strike in protest against bandit kidnap by employees of militia on Day of Anger on August, 12th and frank falsification of administrative case according to which he was charged. Hungry strike was stopped after the release.

Other organizer of Day of Anger Konstantin Kosyakin who got 72 hours of arrest was released on the eve, on August, 15th.

As Udaltsov declared, "on August, 12 Moscow authorities evidently showed their swinish attitude to the opinion of Muscovites, they also committed several criminal offences kidnapping people in the center of Moscow and also framing false administrative protocols in relation to them".

As it became known, organizers of Day of Anger intend to achieve opening of criminal case against officials of the Government of Moscow and militia men who provoked mass disorders and beating of citizens in the center of Moscow by their criminal actions. Already on August, 12th Sergey Udaltsov and Konstantin Kosyakin filed application into the Department of Internal Affairs "Tverskoe" in connection to their being kidnapped near to Tverskaya Square and next few days they intend to apply to Investigatory committee at the State Office of Public Prosecutor of the Russian Federation.

According to Sergey Udaltsova, the next Day of Anger will necessarily take place on September, 12th at 19.00 near the monument to Jury Dolgoruky. "After events which occurred near the Moscow Mayoralty on August, 12th it became even more obvious that we have criminals in power in our city ready to arrest peaceful citizens for criticism in their address. The debt of all Muscovites - join Days of Anger in mass quantity to clear Moscow from corrupted "Luzhkov's command" and to return ourselves the right to elect city management", - organizers of Day of Anger declare. In their opinion, George Boos's resignation from a post of the governor of the Kaliningrad region testifies that mass protest actions are capable to bring result.

Let's remind that next action Day of Anger which passed under the slogan "Moscow - without Luzhkov! Let's Return City to Ourselves!" took place in Moscow on August, 12th on Tverskaya Square near to the monument of Jury Dolgoruky. In spite of the fact that the government of Moscow unreasonably refused to coordinate the details of the meeting, not indifferent Muscovites came to Tverskaya Square not getting afraid of reprisals. In answer the power organized real mass disorders with militia participation. 35 people were detained with application of rough physical force. One of the organizers of action - known legal expert Lev Ponomarev - was hospitalized after detention as he had a heart attack.

While Udaltsov and Kosyakin were under illegal arrest, FORUM.msk interviewed our readers which results you can see for below. There is nothing to be commented, public opinion - is obvious:

What do the leaders of Left Front deserve for organizing Day of Anger under the slogan "Luzhkov - in Resignation!"?

Administrative arrest for several days (15)

Penalty in the sum of 500 roubles (22)

Death penalty (48)

Public approval (246)

Appoint the deputy of the Moscow Duma (33)

Give medals "Order of Merit for Country" (85)

Appoint mayor of Moscow (58)



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