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Yulia Timoshenko Will Again Become the Prime Minister of the Ukraine

Yulia Timoshenko Will Again Become the Prime Minister of the Ukraine

Early election to the Supreme Rada of the Ukraine came to the end. Preliminary results of voting will become known later today. Nevertheless, according to the results of various exit-poll, obviously, it is possible to draw the most preliminary conclusions. But at first about data of exit-poll.


Even before the end of voting the following data appeared on news feed of RIAN-Ukraine:


Party of Regions got 35.5 %, BYT 31.5, «Our Ukraine - National Self-Defense» - 13.4, KPU - 5.1, Litvin's Block - 3.7% - National exit-poll.


Then, after 10.00 p.m. other results of «national exit-poll-2007» according to the results of extra elections in the Supreme Rada of the Ukraine appeared. Interrogation near the exit from polling districts was carried out by three sociological services. On these preliminary data 5 parties and blocks pass in the parliament. Party of Regions - 34.9%, BYT - 32.4 %, OUNSD - 14.1%, KPU - 4.5%, Litvin's Block - 3.5%. Sociologists interrogated more than 10 thousand voters near the exit from 200 polls.


Data of the National exit-poll which was carried out by the Center of Economic and Political Researches named after Alexander Razumkov, Kiev Institute of Sociology and the Fund of Democratic Initiatives are also declared. According to its results, five parties and blocks passed in the Supreme Rada. Results of the National exit-poll are those:


Party of Regions - 35.2%, BYT - 31.5%, OUNSD -13.4%, KPU - 5.1%, Litvin's Block - 3,7%. Not supported anybody - 2.9%, Social Party of the Ukraine: 2.5%, PSPU of Natalya Vitrenko - 15%.


Data of the American sociologists slightly differs from the data of the Ukranian national «exit-poll». The Party of Regions on early parliamentary elections got 34.5% of voices of voters, Yulia Timoshenko's Block - 30.4%, the block «Our Ukraine - National Self-Defense» - 14.4%, Communist Party of the Ukraine - 5.2%, Litvin's Block - 4%, the American companies PSB and Public Strategies inform.


The American companies interrogated 22 thousand voters in all regions of the Ukraine.

According to the data of the interrogation of people who voted by Exit-poll Sociovimir-2007, the following parties pass in the Supreme Rada PR - 34.7%, BYT - 31.1%, «Our Ukraine - National Self-Defense» - 14.6%, Communist Party - 4.9%, Vladimir Litvin's Blick - 3.6%.

According to the data of the interrogation, SPU got 2.8%, other parties - 5.6%, against all 2.%. Error of the research makes 1,6%. Approximately 10 thousand respondents have been interrogated on 200 polls.

Making comments on the first results of the elections, political scientist Vladimir Filin by phone from Kiev informed:

«Party of Regions is the leader of the elections in the Ukraine formally. But according to none «exit-poll» PR even together with the communists exceeds in number of votes «orange» - BYT and OUNSD which together exceeds PR and CPU in average on 5%. It's a lot. In this connection, it's not excluded that the voices of Litvin's Block could become (but may be couldn't), Litvin, it's not impossible that will change Alexander Moroz and will become the speaker of the Supreme Rada.

Both Party of Regions and BYT, obviously, will have in the Supreme Rada more than 150 places each. It gives them an opportunity to block the start of the work of the parliament. Even if the conformists from the Party of Regions will not possible use it, Yulia Timishenko, considering it efficient, will do it without thinking.

At last, if PR, OUNSD and the communists received the results which were actually expedient, Block of Yulia Timoshenko received more than it was supposed at first - almost the third of the votes, half as much again than on the elections in 2006. Thus even in the Eastern Kharkov BYT has 25% and almost 50% in Kiev.

Everything enumerated surely give additional forces to Yulia Timoshenko who is energetic even without that, she will at last, according to my suspicions, next prime minister. Then certain amendments will be inserted in the Constitution, transfer of the Ukraine into presidential republic. And, at last, presidential elections as a result of which Yulia Vladimirovna will have the best chances».
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