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The Death of the Designer Lemansky Complicated Even without that Anything but Simple Situation in the Military-Industrial Complex

The Death of the Designer Lemansky Complicated Even without that Anything but Simple Situation in the Military-Industrial Complex

Chief designer of the newest air defense missile weapon system S-400 Alexander Lemansky suddenly died today on the training area Kapustin Jar (in the Astrakhan area). Official representative of NPO "Diamond" informed about Lemansky's death. According to preliminary data, heart failure became the cause of the death of Lemansky.


Alexander Lemansky was the chief designer of the scientific-production association "Diamond" named after academician A.A.Raspletin. He was born on the 25th of May, 1935 in Moscow. Elder of the Russian Federation, laureate of state prize of the USSR (1978), award winner of the Academy of Science of the USSR named after academician A.A.Raspletin (1986).


- Unexpected death of the leading expert in the field of systems of air defence, undoubtedly, the best in the world for today, becomes serious impact on all Russian military-industrial complex, - political scientist Anton Surikov - active member of the Academy of Astronautics, laureate of premium named after Lenin Komsomol received for works in the field of rocket techniques considers. - As today large experts of the Soviet epoch leave, not leaving after themselves schools, pupils just by virtue of the fact that researching and development works are being carried out in volume which is clearly not enough for the formation of adequate level of specialists. NPO "Diamond" is a rare positive exception but it's also "passed by this cup". This is a very heavy loss, most probably irretrievable.


In the meantime loud declaration about successes of domestic military-industrial complex has already sounded from a high tribune. Russia possesses continuous system of the prevention of a rocket attack on all perimeter of its territory, commanding officer of Aerospace Forces of the Russian Federation, general-colonel Vladimir Popovkin informed.


"On the perimeter of Russia the system of the prevention of a rocket attack is continuous", - Popovkin declared on Friday at press conference, answering a question on ability of Russia to hold off rocket attack from the part of the Northern Korea.


The commanding officer reminded that the system of antimissile defense protects only Moscow, however to hold off rocket attack in other regions there exist mobile complexes S-300 and S-400.


- Commander in Chief, obviously, wishful thinking, - Anton Surikov noted in this occasion. - They spoke about the "holes" in an early warning system already during the Soviet epoch when the plane of Matias Rust boarded on the Red Square. For today an orbital grouping of Russia is incomparably more "liquid" than the USSR had and it doesn't cover all the necessary territory. The systems established on the borders of the Russian Federation do not solve a problem of warning about start-up of the rockets of the opponent and do not fix the orbital targets. A number of locators of early warning system, for example, in Skrund are lost and a number of others are under the question - there is a bill about an output of Russia from the agreement on use of stations in Mukachevo and Sevastopol. For today, in case of carrying by potential opponent of the first attack, Russia can hardly organize adequate answer, because of its delay, but it's if concerns the main potential opponent - the USA. Hypothetic attack of the Northern Korea and even China today is not a threat of the primary meaning. Though, certainly, when the Russian military-industrial complex will become equal to the one of the Northern Korea, this question will be put on an agenda.

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