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The Third Gas War with the Ukraine Is Ready to Start Any Day

The Third Gas War with the Ukraine Is Ready to Start Any Day

"Gazprom" is ready to limit deliveries of gas to consumers in the Ukraine. It will happen, if the debts will not be paid off, - the official representative of the concern Sergey Kuprijanov declared. But it's difficult to connect this application with the results of elections in the Ukraine and variants of formation of ruling coalition. The debts of the Ukrainian party for deliveries of gas makes up about one billion three hundred millions dollars.


Sergey Kuprijanov officially declared: "Today we informed our European partners that there were problems with deliveries of gas to the Ukraine. A big debt ran at the time when the Russian party completely carried out its part of the contract. We already repeatedly brought to the attention of our Ukrainian colleagues a question that it's necessary to extinguish the debts speedily, however we didn't see real steps in the direction. Therefore in such circumstances the only measure from our part could be limit of the deliveries to the consumers of the Ukraine. The European consumers will receive gas in full volume in correspondence with the contracts".

The debt of the Ukrainian side for the deliveries of gas makes up approximately one milliard three hundred millions dollars.


- It's difficult no to connect this application with elections, - editor-in-chief of FORUM.msk Anatoly Baranov noted. - The debts appeared not yesterday, it was run for long but they start talking about it "suddenly" only yesterday. At that in a subjunctive mood, "Gazprom"- ostensibly can limit deliveries but it also can not limit. In connection with what or whom? It's clear that formation of the ruling coalition in which Janukovich will become the prime-minister, will allow to reach mutually acceptable arrangements, but if Timoshenko will become the prime-minister than, certainly, due to the fault of the Ukrainina side, it won't be possible to make suitable arrangements. To take and give one and a half billion dollars to Russia without damage to the budget of the Ukraine is not possible. It means, objectionable to Moscow prime-minister will begin the work with crisis. Everything is very transparent. But such mutual relations are relations between the paybacks dividing a tribute from stalls in Kharkov and not the dialogue between two European powers, having in addition mutually integrated economies, which population has 50 % of relatives behind the neighbouring border. It seems to be already the third "gas-political" bovver between Moscow and Kiev. Result of the "Ukrainian" policy of Moscow, the stake on Janukovich at full ignoring of other political forces, rough blackmail - all this has already led to sharp growth of popularity of the most antiRussian politician of the Ukraine. It is obvious protest of the Ukrainian voter against "proMoscow" policy as they don't wait for positive decisions from Timoshenko. It was necessary to bring to such a protest. There is an impression that the Kremlin meaningly pushes away the Ukraine. They already openly speak about some private agreements with participation of Washington, according to which Putin "let the Ukraine go" to the Europe as usual without any conditions, to be more precise on condition of "free hands" in Russia. It's typical to our present management - to sacrifice the Ukraine in behalf of own interests. It's desirable to have on the contrary, so that somebody will sacrifice oneself in behalf of the interests of the country. But - you will hardly wait... "You will sick and tired to gulp down"...


The Eurocommission received the notice from "Gazprom" about problems with payments for gas by the Ukraine. It is stated in the document that the debts which are not paid can become the reason of the faults in deliveries to the Ukraine and to some European consumers. At the same time, "Gazprom" undertakes to execute all existing arrangements on deliveries to the European companies, which are warned about possible measures in relation to the Ukraine.
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