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If Surkov Will Be Exiled to Caucasus?

If Surkov Will Be Exiled to Caucasus?

New appointments in structures of executive authority which part can be considered as "landmark" proceed. Thus, having promoted Kudrin, Vladimir Putin appointed the former first vice-president of the Central Bank Tatyana Paramonova his representative in National Bank Council at Bank of Russia. Paramonova got Andrey Illarionov's empty place. From the point of view of positions - it's obviously not joyful for new vice-premier (he heads National Bank Council) appointment. NBC - is influential enough, for example, it's possible to get permission to check the Central Bank with the help of Public Prosecutor's Office only through NBC.


Tatyana Paramonova has been working in the main bank of the country since Soviet times: since 1972. In 1992 she entered into a management of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation. In 1994, after resignation of the chapter of the Central Bank Victor Gerashchenko, she was appointed acting chapter of the Central Bank. On the post she worked for a year and then for a short time left for the commercial bank. In 1998 when Gerashchenko returned, he proposed Paramonova to become his first assistant. On that post Paramonova remained in the Central Bank even after Gerashchenko's resignation. However, at new chapter, Sergey Ignatyev, she failed to enter the team. The sphere of influence of Tatyana Paramonova was essentially limited. Functions of bank supervision which she supervised at Gerashchenko were transferred to nowadays late first vice-president Andrey Kozlov. Only control activity over transition to the international standards of the reporting of the Russian banks was left in Paramonova's charge. In 2006 Paramonova lost a place in the board of directors of the Central Bank.


Vladimir Putin signed the decree about discharging of general-colonel Alexander Kolmakov from the post of the General Commanding Officer of airborne forces and an appointment him the first deputy minister of defence of the Russian Federation. 52-year old Kolmakov replaced on the post the general of army Alexander Belousov. The released place of the General Commanding Officer of airborne forces will be occupied by general-lieutenant Valery Evtuhovich who works now as the executive officer of airborne forces. It's a very sensible appointment from which they in military department had already left off a habit. After retrial of the Minister of Defence Grachev, landing armies underwent rout that affected the quality of participation of armed forces of the Russian Federation in regional conflicts. Today the Russian army basically plays a role of regional force and strengthening of armies of fast reaction, special attention to them in military department is quite justified.


And the third uneasy moving is Dmitry Kozak's appointment to a place of Minister of Regional Development instead of Vladimir Jakovlev. Resignation of Jakovlev carries not semantic but palace character, it's reflection of his uneasy position in "a Petersburg clan". Appointment of Kozak in this context is clear, though it's a risk to change the management of this ministry before the beginning of a cold season. Victor Zubkov has just excoriated governors for 90 % readiness for winter, perfectly understanding that it is pregnant with serious accidents in the very heat of the presidential election campaign. However, it's a serious question whether Kozak can replace Jakovlev on this post.


In connection with excuse of a post of plenipotentiary in the Southern federal district there is a question who in general is capable to replace Kozak there. Thus, from the circles close to "Fair Russia" there appeared gossips that the deputy head of presidential administration Vladislav Surkov can be appointed to this post. It is clear, such appointment would be extremely favourable to "socialist-revolutionaries" as it obviously weakens administration support of "Edinaya Russia" and eliminates a person who is inconvenient enough for Mironov. However, one business is - to force Jakovlev to resign on the eve of a cold season and another - to appoint Surkov on the eve of the elections.


Making comments on the gossips that Vladislav Surkov will be appointed to a place of plenipotentiary of the president in the Southern Federal Region after returning Dmitry Kozak to Moscow, chairman of Editorial board of FORUM.msk Michael Deljagin said: "Kozak is returned to Moscow from the exile. I can hardly believe in the appointment of Sirkov to his place. The policy in Russia has not been destroyed finally, so, Surkov has not executed yet his mission. Northern Caucasus for Surkov would be obvious downturn not clearly for what reason. There they need a person who would feel sympathy for none of the republics".
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