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“New” Old Cabinet Starts Working in Conditions of Increasing Perplex

“New” Old Cabinet Starts Working in Conditions of Increasing Perplex
Oleg Sultanov 27.09.2007

About the fact that V. Putin, unlike ordinary citizens of Russia, has no special claims to the government of M. Fradkov became clear when former prime-minister, being forced to resign, was awarded by the president with high state award. Thus on September, 24th representing the country the members of the cabinet of V.Zubkov the chapter of Russia emphasized that the old composition of the government worked successfully: "In all directions of development of the country we had positive steady dynamics. It concerns both economy and settlement of social questions". After those words, obviously provoked by worthy indications, Mister Putin noted that fradkov's ministers in wait for parliament and presidential elections nevertheless began lowing efficiency of their work; that is, ostensibly, the reason of their resignation.


In the evening on September, 24th citizens understood: in Vladimir Vladimirovich's opinion, only three ministers - M. Zurabov, G. Gref and V. Jakovlev are the only ministers that have relaxed before elections, all other members of the government continue to create positive dynamics of steady growth of the Russian economy. In this important business henceforth they will be helped by two new committees - Youth and Fishing and also by three new colleagues on behalf of externally charming women and an official of a resolute type who have been never noticed being engaged in corruption. You will agree that after Michael Jurevich Zurabov's eternally faded physiognomy, in whose former departments, according to Dmitry Medvedev, "one swindlers make medicines, other swindlers sell these medicines and the third swindlers are engaged in intermediary using means of the state program", ingenuous face of new minister T. Golikova - as a plash of sunlight.


I want to believe that Tatyana Alekseevna can restore kind, grateful smiles of pensioners and stop ole people hysteria connected with the work of the predecessor. It is possible to assume that the president will help her in it as long as having divided Ministry of Public Health and Social Development into two ministries - of Public Health and Labour, having provided arrival to the first one of a skilled medical man and having enabled T.Golikova to concentrate completely on work of the Ministry of Labour and Social Development of the Russian Federation, the head of the Ministry of Economic Development and Trade V.Putin appointed well-known to him Elvira Nabiullina who recommended herself as skilled specialist in the center of strategic developments and in presidium of the council under the president of the Russian Federation.


I think, it won't a mistake to say that inhabitants and business world of the country met appearance of women in the government with enthusiasm. But whether it will contribute to disappearance of vigilance and mistrust to the cabinet from a significant part of the Russian public? Basically all key figures remained on their places. While newcomers - Victor Zubkov and "his" two women - will hardly open new courageous national prospects before the country. Now, before parliamentary and presidential elections, there will be only politically favourable to the Kremlin and the government themes; hardly will few weeks pass as we shall necessarily hear about "the announcement of unlimited war" to poverty, corruption. Brisk edinorossies will utter a crow about necessity of reduction of charges on the state apparatus, about increase of assignments on the needs of social supply, medicine, education. As it always happens before elections, there will be established in the country a kind of moratorium on criticism of "steady moral values", inherent, certainly, only to "Edinaya Russia". And it never, as soon as I remember, considered political modesty for virtue.


Seven years officials and edinorssies put into practice Vladimir Putin's rate; the governments vary, prime ministers come, each of whom finds "new" way into the bright future to a group of people entrusted him authority, doctrines of development are approved and accepted. That is there is a constant official rotation. And what is the result?


The head of the executive committee of "Edinaya Russia" Andrey Vorobjev has recently said the following: "Putin's plan is - understanding that it is necessary to go courageously there where there are problems!". It turns out that, during 7 years they were working out a plan which main component was understanding that it's necessary to solve and not store the problems? Such rates of "development" disturb, especially if to consider, that all putin's governments actually suffer bankruptcy of social policy.


So, we shall not indulge in illusions; no matter what strong managers would operate complexes of the Russian facilities, their activity all the same leads to excessive concentration of economic force in hands of one political group - natives of a city on Neva. All internal political problems of this grouping follow, first of all, from desire to provide own safety and personal well-being. All their plans they build on assumptions of life rapidity. The one which for the majority of the rest of Russians stretches in painful years of vegetable existence...


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