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There Will Be No Zurabov and Gref in the New Government, Kudrin Was Promoted, “Successors” Remained at Their Places

There Will Be No Zurabov and Gref in the New Government, Kudrin Was Promoted, “Successors” Remained at Their Places
The president of Russia Vladimir Putin arrived on Monday to the Kremlin from Sochi to a meeting with representatives of the new government which new Prime Minister Victor Zubkov promised to form by Monday, "Echo of Moscow" informs.


The meeting lasted several hours, then a press-secretary of the president Alexey Gromov came to the journalists and avariciously informed: Zubkov presented offers on personal structure of the government to Putin in the Kremlin.


At 8:45 p.m. the automobile train of the president drove to the territory of a complex of the House of Government of the Russian Federation. Nearby 9:00 p.m. Putin came to the journalists and announced new structure of the government and its structure.


Except for Zurabov, Gref, Yakovlev all other members of the government kept their posts. Two new committees appeared in the government - Youth Committee and Fishing Committee, functions of MEDT, according to Putin, "are a little bit specified".


Dmitry Kozak appointed the chapter of the Ministry of Regional Development instead of Yakovlev;


Tatyana Golikova will head the Ministry of Social Development instead of Zurabov;


Kudrin is promoted - he kept a post of Minister of Finance and became vice-premier; Lavrov kept a post of the chapter the Ministry of Foreign Affairs;


Serdjukov also kept his place of the Minister of Defense - Putin didn't accept his resignation;


Gref forced to resign, Elvira Nabiulina is appointed the chapter of MEDT;


Ivanov and Medvedev kept places of the first vice-premiers;


Naryshkin and Zhukov kept places of vice-premiers.


On meeting with members of the government president Putin declared that "he very much counts" that the structure of the government of the Russian Federation "will achieve decisively those targets which we have together formulated as strategic ones for the development of the country" under the management of new head of the government.


Characterizing new members of the government, the head of the state emphasized their professionalism. "You know all the colleagues presented, know them for a long time, for many years. All of them - high quality specialists who always achieved serious results on their places," - Putin said.


A System of Evaluation of Work of the Cabinet Will Be Introduced


Putin also declared that in the nearest future the system of evaluation of work of the government and regional administrations should be introduced. "As to the efficiency of work, already in the nearest future an objective system of evaluation of work of the government and concrete departments should be prepared and introduced. By the way, it also concerns the activity of administrations in the regions of the Russian Federation", - the president said.


Putin Signed the Law on Increase of Base Parts of Labour Pensions of All Types from the 1st of October


The president of the Russian Federation signed the law on increase since October, 1st of this year of the sizes of base parts of labour pensions of all types. "The federal law provides one-stage increase since the 1st of October, 2007 of sizes of base parts of labour pensions of all types - old age pension, disability pension, survivor's pesion", - Putin declared on Monday.


The president noted that the law signed by him introduced changes to the federal law "About Labour Pensions" in the Russian Federation. In this connection Putin set before the government a mission of implicit execution of changes introduced by him to the law "About Labour Pensions".


In the beginning of the last week prime-minister Victor Zubkov promised that there would be appointments of ministers within a week, however, the term was then postponed till the beginning of the current week. Showing that even in the government they do not know particularly about personnel rearrangements that would occur, the chapter of the ministry of economic development Herman Gref joked on the weekends: "We as Canadians, play until the last minute".


The most part of the old structure of the government on the last weekends together with the president participated in the work of International Investment Forum in Sochi. There the Russian leader didn't touch the theme of resigns and appointments.

Elvira Nabiulina

Elvira Nabiulina was born on the 29th of October, 1963. In 1986 has graduated from Moscow State University after the name of M.V.Lomonosov a degree in "economist". Ph.D. 1991-1992 - Chief Specialist of the management of Standing Committee of Board of Scientific-Industrial Union of the USSR on questions of economic reform, Moscow.

1992-1994 - Chief Specialist, the adviser of the management of the Russian Union of Industrialists and Businessmen on the questions of economic policy.

1994-1994 - the adviser of Expert Institute of the Russian Union of Industrialists and Businessmen.

1994-1995 - Deputy Head of the Department of Economic Reform - Head of Department of state regulation of economy of the Ministry of Economic Affairs of the Russian Federation.

1995-1996 - Deputy Head of Department of Economic Reform of the Ministry of Economic Affairs of the Russian Federation.

1996-1997 - Head of Department of Economic Reform of the Ministry of Economic Affairs of the Russian Federation, a member of the board of the Ministry of Economic Affairs of Russia.

1997-1998 - Deputy Minister of Economy of the Russian Federation.

1998-1999 - vice-president of board of Stock Company "Promtorgbank".

1999-1999 - executive director of the Euroasian rating service.

1999-.2000 - vice-president of the Fund "Center of Strategic Developments".

2000 - the First Deputy Minister of Economic Development and Trade of the Russian Federation.

2003-2005 - the president of the Fund "Center of Strategic Developments".


Since October, 2005 - the Head of Advisory Council of Organizing Committee on Preparation and Maintenance of Presidency of the Russian Federation in "G8" in 2006, the Head of the research group of Center of Strategic Developments.

Tatyana Golikova

Was born on the 9th of February, 1966 in Mytischi of the Moscow area; has graduated from Moscow Institute of National Economy after the name of V.Plehanov a degree in "Labour Economy" in 1987; 1987-1990 - junior research associate of the department of wages of scientific research institute of work of the State Labour Committee of the USSR; from 1990 works in the Ministry of Finance. A member of board of the Ministry of Finance from 1998; from 1999 - the deputy minister, since August, 2002 - the first deputy minister of finance of the Russian Federation, supervised departments of budgetary policy, social sphere and science; after structural changes connected with administrational reform and abolition of posts of the first deputy ministers on the 12th of April, 2004 was appointed deputy minister of finance of the Russian Federation (supervises questions in the sphere of budget policy); a member of the Governmental Council on Nanotechnologies.

From editorial board: Actually these are the appointments which could be expected from prime-minister V.Zubkov before presidential elections - elimination of a part of the most odious figures, preservation of the status quo as a whole, steadiness of general directions of policy. It is necessary to note that these decisions are reasonable. It's difficult of course to call them revolutionary, innovative - all the more so. Administrative reform "according to Zubkov" is not expected, anyway, at present reign.


Preservation in former quality both S.Ivanov and D.Medvedev is the most polysemic personnel decision of the new prime minister, i.e. could be an evidence of whatever you like. The most important is that - it's not clear who will be appointed new president.
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