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Militiamen from Moscow Region Got "Inconvenient" Journalist Directly from the Train

Militiamen from Moscow Region Got "Inconvenient" Journalist Directly from the Train
Correspondent of "New Newspaper" Alexander Litoj in Tula. Operative agents of Central Internal Affairs Directorate of Moscow region got him away from the train Sevastopol - Moscow, after it they transferred him to people in civil cloths who, according to Litoj didn't give their names. According to "Gazeta.Ru" from sources in Central Internal Affairs Directorate, that were employees of center of struggle with extremism at district department. Having explained that detention is carried out within the limits of investigation of attack on administration of Khimki on July, 28th, the journalist was taken to the car and driven to the Department of Internal Affairs in "Khimki".

Employees of Central Internal Affairs Directorate in civil cloths who detained Litoj didn't make it clear if he would be taken for conversation or it would be official questioning and they wanted to make the journalist witness of what happened.

They say in edition of "New Newspaper" that during attack of anti-fascists Litoj was on vacation outside city. Litoj himself added that operative officers came to his flat in Moscow previous week but he used to be at his relatives by that time.

The source of "Gazeta.Ru" in Central Internal Affairs Directorate of Moscow region informed that investigators have all reasons to suppose that Litoj is one of the active participants of anti-fascist movement.

"We know that he left Moscow on July, 28th at about 10.00 p.m. That is he had opportunity to participate in attack on administration. Though there's no official data about it. He is not detained, he was just taken to the Department of Internal Affairs for conversation. No charges will be brought against him today. He will be let go after investigator ask him several questions about events which took place on July, 28th".

- We again meet police power, obviously, it's connected with development president Medvedev]s idea to call former public militia police, - editor-in-chief of FORUM.msk Anatoly Baranov considers. - Functions of the Ministry of Internal Affairs changed, now this organization serves to the interests of the ruling class and this class is not made of workers and peasants. Methods also changed - from preventive policy of law infringements Ministry of Internal Affairs shifts to repressions. It's also some kind of preventive policy but prevention with usage of fear. Our "cops" already openly neglect norms of procedural law. What are the bases to deprive of liberty, if he is not the guilty or at least suspect? Whether he is declared to be in search? Whether he has no right to be on vacations or to travel by train? The more so the person doesn't hide. It's absolutely not clear what the bases employees of Central Internal Affairs Directorate of Moscow region gathered confidential information about person who is not guilty or suspect are? We are not talking that Tula is actually situated not in Moscow region but for some reason militia of Moscow region has been checking trains in other subjects of the Federation - it's also a question... At that it happens to public person, to the journalist - it's necessary to understand that society is given a signal - authorities don't care for public opinion. Well, ok - we have got it...


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