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Putin Will Give Out Money to Peasants but, Obviously, Not to All

Putin Will Give Out Money to Peasants but, Obviously, Not to All

The government of the Russian Federation will allocate 35 billion roubles to agricultural manufacturers whose enterprises suffered as a result of a drought, the prime minister of the Russian Federation Vladimir Putin said at the session of presidium of the government on Thursday.

"We will render financial help to agricultural manufacturers who suffered from a drought", - Putin told having added that "the total amount of financial support will make 35 billion roubles".

These means will be allocated in two stages - in August and in October-November (after summarizing of harvest works). "Direct free aid will make in the form of grants" will make 10 billion roubles of 35 and 25 billion roubles - three-year preferential budgetary credits within which enterprises can buy seeds and solves current problems, the prime minister noted.

- As we know, the devil is in the details, - editor-in-chief of FORUM.msk Anatoly Baranov considers. - Certainly help to the agricultural manufacturers who suffered from drought - necessary and correct matter. But we remember how they "help" to those who need - they receive fig while some not implicated in it citizens make fortunes. But at first we note that the sum of losses of village is obviously underestimated - about 15 million fellow citizens work in the country, let consider 10 million from them victims. That is about 100 dollars is considered for everyone from governmental generosity. At that two thirds in the form of some future credits and 30 - near at hand. I think losses per capita in agriculture are essentially above. Well, if "there is not enough spice-cakes for all", it becomes clear that distribution of grants will happen not between all but according to some choice. It is not difficult to guess that the choice in the Russian Federation can be only corruption one. There's no sense to continue - all is clear...


Drought in Russia and unfavourable weather conditions in other countries-suppliers of foodstuffs threaten with a rise in prices, inflation, revolts worldwide, the western experts consider.


As Independent writes, prices for pork, rice, oranges, coffee, cocoa-beans, tea grew for last weeks because of various weather cataclysms in different countries of the world. Prices for wheat growing from the end of June only for yesterday jumped up by 8% - after announcement of the Russian prime minister of interdiction on export of grain. Interdiction comes into force on August, 15th and will continue till December.


"Taking into account all these factors next year the western countries, probably, will face sharp jump of inflation", - the edition predicts. Price for bread, beer, gasoline will grow. Situation is complicated both by growing demand for foodstuff and raw materials in such developing countries as China and India. The rise in prices for grain crops will cause rise in prices for meat and milk.


Western countries will run in the near future into "stagflation" condition - when economic recession is observed against high inflation, Independent writes. The worst is still ahead.


"World prices for wheat since July have grown by 92%. The worst can be ahead: the drought in Russia threatens with poor harvest, crops of sugar beet, potato and corn have already suffered", - edition writes. Unfavourable weather conditions leading to natural catastrophes are registered this year not only in Russia. Strongest floodings are registered in Canada which is considered the same way as Russia, Ukraine and Kazakhstan large supplier of grain. Besides present destructive flooding in Pakistan can lead to growth of demand for foodstuffs and become additional factor of rise in prices.

Food and Agricultural Organization of the United Nations (FAO) the day before declared that nevertheless there shouldn't be global food crisis. "Fears of new global food crisis are groundless", - experts of FAO underline. "Recent sharp rise in prices causes fears of repetition of scenario of food revolts of 2007-2008. But after two years of record harvests stocks of foodstuffs are full enough to cover future shortage", - experts calm.

"On the other hand, if the drought in Russia proceeds, it will threaten the harvest of winter crops that will have potentially serious consequences for foodstuff stocks in 2011-2012", - they consider in FAO.

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