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Successor Zubkov

Successor Zubkov

As you known, the president already brought in Victor Alekseevich Zubkov's nominee on approval of the State Duma as the future prime-minister of Russia. While we in editorial board were searching for the norm of the law to learn what time the president had for reflections about new prime-minister, he already proposed Zubkov. Fradkov received an award as at Yeltsin's time and became history.

- It is not known, whether Zubkov is appointed as an intermediate nominee which will allow the new president to appoint the new prime minister, - the chairman of editorial board of FORUM.msk Michael Deljagin noticed on the occasion, - or he is a real successor. It is Putin's signature style - nobody could take seriously Zubkov's nominee until he was appointed. The same situation took place not once or twice at present "reign". If nevertheless Zubkov is the real successor, it will be cynical mockery at the Central Electoral Committee and other structures which are obliged to provide voting, however, they have deserved it. Only one thing is clear: Zubkov is - Serdyukov's father-in-law (in fact only yesterday it seemed that Serdykov is - Zubkov's son-in-law) and it has played very significant role in his appointment. Now we at least know why Labrador dog Koni cannot become the successor - it is not a relative of any of our heads.


"I would not treat Victor Zubkov's figure as the head of the government so ironically, - editor-in-chief of FORUM.msk Anatoly Baranov noticed. - Firstly, because his figure though being unexpected, is meanwhile far not casual. Four years ago, when Zubkov was just appointed to supervise over Financial Monitoring Committee, we together with Valery Tursunov made a big interview with him occupying the whole double-page, if I am not mistaken. It was interesting, it was normal alive interview, under a dictophone, without any intermediate link in the form of the press-service - there was, certainly, the press-secretary, but it was Zubkov who spoke and we also worked with him on the text. Well, very decent impression remains. But it is - subjective. And objectively, certainly, the fact matters that Zubkov is - for sure Putin's person, since the earliest period of work in the Petersburg mayoralty. And obscurity of the appointments Victor Zubkov had doesn't a synonym of their unimportance. For example, there was a concrete aim put before Financial Monitoring Committee - "to wash up" reputation of the Russian Federation before the world community in the part of its financial opacity at that to try not to "reveal" those aspects which couldn't be "revealed". Zubkov coped with the target and he did it quite quickly. Low personal ambitions and age - 66 years - are treated as Victor Zubkov's absolute lacks. A pier, in such age category it is difficult to count on being the successor. But such entrusted person in the age can appear be a suitable candidacy of "king for a day" so that after a while to accent a place easily and without conflicts... "

The chapter of Federal service on financial monitoring Victor Zubkov which nominee the president of Russia Vladimir Putin brought in today on approval of the State Duma on a post of the prime minister took part in the elections of the governor of Leningrad region in 1999. By results of voting he had the fourth place from 16 candidates having gotten thus 8,64% of voices. Valery Serdyukov became then the leader of pre-election race - 30,30%. Present speaker of the State Duma Boris Gryzlov headed Zubkov's campaign headquarters on governor's elections in 1999, Press Agency REGNUM informs.

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