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Working Trade Union - Terrible Word for Representatives of Bourgeoisie

Working Trade Union - Terrible Word for Representatives of Bourgeoisie
Sergey Biets 30.08.2007

During preparation of various actions of workers, discussion about trade-union autonomy, political management and possible allies of working class flamed with new force among left active workers. A number of trade-union leaders opposed precise political orientation of trade unions, declaring that they ostensibly are mass organizations outside of politicians. The fact that members of diversified parties can belong to trade-unions and on this basis fetish of trade-union unity can be raised on the banner was outlined. We are being reproached in the fact that demanding refusal from cooperation with bourgeois parties we on one hand sap the unity of the trade unions and on the other - try to get more popularity on their account.

Let's see if it's really so and what is standing behind trade union political pantophagy.


Trade-union unity is - a thing that is certainly valuable and struggle for its preservation is - important problem, however, founders of independent trade unions not for a minute doubted in expediency of a break with the Russian Federation of Independent Trade-Unions in view of bribability and political unscrupulousness of its management. Why, having become independent, some of them started to play the same games. Refusal of following certain political line in view of unwillingness to offend "uncle Vasja from the next shop" who loves Zhirinovsky is - doubtful argument. Without precise decision of key questions of a political life of the country trade unions appear to be puppets in the hands of bourgeois parties. Announcement from the lips of one of respectable working leaders sounds really ridiculously: "We accept the help from any parties. For example, recently "Yabloko" has presented us a risograph - and we have allowed them to make PR at our expense". It seems as if comrades perceive political strike as some market. But even from the market point of view it is silly, for the help, which bourgeois party can render you will be over and above paid off by it in case of victory gained at your expense. Having got the authority they will withdraw a rouble for every coin spent on you.


Working trade union is - a terrible word for representatives of bourgeoisie. Capitalists more than death are afraid of independent actions of working class. But if only you make an alliance with them, all you independence turns to a smoke. The fear passes and the new trade union takes a place in a number of yellow ones, assimilating to the Russian Federation of Independent Trade-Unions so unloved by you.


Many mistakes already made are certainly necessary to consider as illness of growth. They are overcome and will be by all means overcome by trade-union movement. However to cure illness, it is necessary to reveal it and to declare it loudly. We have a difficult way of class self-organizing ahead which trade unions and a party will have to pass up to the end.


The basic instrument of revolutionary action of proletariat is revolutionary working party as the fighting organization of its avant guarde which should rise up to a role of the leader of working class in all without exception areas of its struggle, hence, in the field of trade-union movement.


Who basically opposes trade-union autonomy to a management of a working party, that opposes - no matter if he wants or not - more backward layers of proletariat to its avant guarde, struggle for private demands to a struggle for full release of the workers, reformism - to communism, opportunism - to revolutionary Marxism.

We defended and we shall defend independent political position of working class, remembering that RELEASE OF THE WORKING CLASS CAN BE REACHED ONLY BY THE WORKING CLASS ITSELF.

No tactical aims can serve as excuse of doubtful unions with class enemy. We for sure will gain a victory firmly following this principle.
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