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If There's Such A Party?

If There's Such A Party?
Alexander Gromov 01.08.2010


In the late autumn 2006 speaker of the Federation Council Sergey Mironov came to conclusion: it's better when on equality basis! That was the name of a new party: "Just Russia: Fatherland, Pensioners, Life".

"On equality basis"... It's like "by one's own laws". For example, if the process of amalgamation and acquisition taking place on political and economic field of Russia is just? Actually - it's just.

If it's just that as a result of it such parties as "Fatherland", Russian Party of Pensioners and Russian Party of Life stopped their existence? Likely - no! As each of them had own electorate, own idea (don't mix up with "ideology"), own results of political activity.

What do we have as a result of amalgamation (or acquisition)? We have the party claiming for the role of herald of European social democracy enriched with the Russian peculiarities. What are characteristics of the Russian peculiarities? Their characteristic feature is that they change every simple notion beyond recognition. Thus the most interesting is ahead!

Former security officials and patriots from the party "Fatherland", former able to work pensioners from the Russian Party of Pensioners, former doctors and scientist from the Russian Party of Life have been guessing for already forth year: what does modern Russian social democracy mean? What is it - "socialism of XXI century"? If it's Hugo Chaves and Lukashenko? Or China? Or Sweden after all?

History shows that this question can't be solved within the frames of election campaign of one political party. Iа you want, it's global question. Though it's, of course, possible to find the answer.

Next attempt of "Just Russia" to make itself known will take place in a year. Yes, in August, 2011 next pre-election campaign into the State Duma of Russia. We don't know the way thing are now but in the days of parliament outlaws it was directly stated in recommendations for the deputies of the State Duma that the deputy should devote last year of work in the State Duma to preparations for future elections. So, everything will start after July-August vacations.

Actually there's still time. If Sergey Mironov will manage for a year to explain to the voters that it's more useful to vote for "just" Russia, than for "edinaya"? After all he can't agitate for proportions?! Say, let's 50% of you vote for them and 40% for us! No! Members of Just Russia should be more concrete: not a voice for them, all - for us!

Why - for us? We - who are meant? Here you are questions...

What about "justice" and "socialism"?..

During war time victory is being smithed on the fronts. In political war - it's being made in regions. Where, what and who is "Just Russia" in Primorski Krai? Goodness knows?! There were two deputies from the Russian Patry of Pensioners in Legislative Assembly of the region. One of them is already in prison... Contrabandist. Three were enlisted into the city duma in Vladivostok. But... I am sincerely sorry for committed socialist Vyacheslav Ivanovich Sedykh who suddenly died. The rest - afield... Let's be joyful as Yury Privalov at last became the minister though of Amur region.

Where's everything?! Where's struggle? Where are nano-barricades of XXI century? Where's struggle of ideas and agitation of masses? There's such an expression that psychologists from EMERCOM have already talked to the leaders of Just Russia as well as with other oppositional leaders. Members of Just Russia have insured themselves even better - no one heads their regional department in Primorsku Krai for already the second year. Post is empty. Party is free.

All this happens in the time when plans that Mironov's party will be headed by Medvedev, then Medvedev wins elections, then "just" will get the majority in the parliament, two-party system will be established and Russia will be accepted into WTO appear in corridors of Moscow political dreamers... Not once Russia showed: it's feast or famine here...


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