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Gas Burst in Orenburg

Gas Burst in Orenburg

Events of bimestrial remoteness repeat in Orenburg. Then there was an emission of gas as a result of illegal cut in a gas main. Today in the morning alarm was announced on all local TV- and radio stations. Population of a city was recommended not to leave houses, to close all windows and doors and also to pack products tightly. There is a strong smell reminding hydrogen sulphide in the air. It is information from the reader of FORUM.msk whose name is Sergey and who lives in Orenburg.


"Mayak" informs: "The source of gas emission has not been found in Orenburg yet. There are approximately 40 victims, they are hospitalized. Concentration of harmful substances in the air exceeds 4 times the norm".


According to agency "Interfax", emergency services of the city search for the reasons of appearance of a gas smell also in a village Chernorechje.


The first complaints from the inhabitants were received by the duty officer of Central administrative board of the Emergency Situations RF in the Orenburg area at 07:30 a.m. Enterprise "Orenburggazprom" hasn't informed about any accidents or malfunctions, therefore experts make tests of air for definition of maximum permissible concentration of harmful substances and try to find out a source of gas emission.


- I have only abusive words, - editor-in-chief of FORUM.msk Anatoly Baranov says. - I am tired of saying here, on our FORUM.msk and everywhere where it's only possible that a lot of chemical substances widely used in industry and in life, are nothing but means of mass defeat, i.e. they can be used as the chemical weapon with the big efficiency by any person who will set such a target. There is no, speaking strictly, account of these substances. Nobody knows how many of them are used, as well as where. Constant accirdents with emission of chlorine, cyanides, ammonia in fatal concentration take place. All reaction of society and state can be put in one line in the news on Yandex where it will be seen only 1 day. That is all, dead men will be buried, a theme will be forgotten till the next accident. Thank God, that for some reason all these accidents occur really casually - except for "strange" detection of a heap of balloons with chloride on a bridge in the Perm area, but there were no victims there and everything calmed down. So, let's wait till soon recurring.

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