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Today EU Introduces Sanctions against Iran

Today EU Introduces Sanctions against Iran

On Monday at a meeting in Brussels the heads of Ministries of Foreign Affairs of 27 countries of European Union approved additional sanctions of EU in relation to Iran which major part, as it's expected, will come into force from Tuesday, July, 27th.

Leaders of EU gave their political consent to apply additional sanctions against Iran at the summit on June, 17, last week sanctions pocket was confirmed in Brussels by ambassadors of EU countries.

New sanctions of EU against Iran suppose in particular freezing of investments into oil and gas sector of the country, prohibition to transfer branch technologies and equipment as well as rendering of specific services. It's proposed to forbid export of goods which could be used by Iran in military sphere in commerce sphere.

Europeans intend to apply new visa restrictions and to freeze bank accounts belonging to members of "Iranian Revolutionary Guard". Besides, it's proposed to forbid Iranian banks to carry out activity in EU countries and Iranian forwarder Irisil to enter territorial waters of united Europe.

On June, 20, 2010 UN Security Council accepted resolution introducing new sanctions in relation to Iran in connection to its refusal to scrap works on uranium enrichment. The document supposes sanctions in relation to Iranian banks working abroad, if there's suspicion that they are connected with development of Iranian nuclear and rocket programme. Besides, resolution calls to keep eyes open at carrying out of transactions with participation of Iranian banks including Central Bank and contains appeal - but not demand - to the countries to block financial transactions of Iran including in the field of insurance.

The USA also introduced unilateral sanctions against Teheran following the decision of Security Council.

- Position of RF as member of UN Security Council looks extremely ambiguously, if not to call it indecently, - editor-in-chief of FORUM.msk Anatoly Baranov considers. - By and large, substantial part of Iranian nuclear project is connected with cooperation with RF - directly or indirectly. Actually management of RF encouraged secretly (at least it's possible to understand it this way) Iranian "nuclear opposition". Suddenly it "leak" the ally. It resembles the story with Iraq very much which also was in some special partner relations with RF and which was lately also charged in development of nuclear weapon, it cost Iraq sovereignty and life - the head of the country. Iа КА will not "tip" Iraq and there was such possibility, situation on the Near East would develop differently. Now it's Iran's turn - and next Kremlin's betray?...

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