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Muscovites Drown Due to Municipal Budget

Muscovites Drown Due to Municipal Budget

ITAR-TASS informs that the head of the Central Regional Center of Emergency Measures Alexander Kats declared at the press-conference that not all beaches of Moscow didn't pass control, very many of them didn't start working officially because of being not ready for exploitation. Though resting people go there all the same as there's no one to forbid them to enter such beaches, he confessed.

"Spending time on water increased many times. If earlier 3-5 thousand people had rest on water, today there are 15-20 thousand of them", - he told. Besides, people swim in places where it's forbidden without control.

Only for last week more than 80 accidents which took place on water areas of Central Federal District are fixed, 45 people died. At that 462 people drowned in Central Federal District from the beginning of the current year, it's 4% more, than previous year.

According to statistics, 95% of people drowned outside of equipped beaches and rest areas.

- I'd ask the mayor of Moscow Jury Luzhkov who at present is showing signs of worry about the problems of the Black Sea Fleet and social sphere of the Ukrainian city of Sevastopol, why not all beaches are accepted for exploitation in the city entrusted to him after a month of abnormal heat? - editor-in-chief of FORUM.msk Anatoly Baranov asked a question. - If they are planned to be accepted to December? More than that, a number of natural beaches in Moscow were, let's note, for money from municipal budget totally ruined, swimming there is impossible. First of all I am talking about natural beaches in Northern Tushino, on Butakovsky Gulf and in the park on Svoboda Street on Khimkinsky reservoir - these are natural sand beaches where thousands and thousands Muscovites have been swimming for decades. Now all banks are fenced with idiotic boards presented by stones placed in meshes - you will hurt oneself, if you decide to swim. Works on elimination of beaches have been carrying out for years, substantial sum of money were wasted for it. The result - there's no place for swimming in the big area of the city. I have already mentioned this ugly fact several times - naturally there's no reaction of authorities. Authorities react on publication by one way - by suits. Though it seems there's no matter for the suit - ugliness is obvious. They simply keep silent.

"Tendency to drinking, swimming in forbidden places and so on authorities use as reason of big number of drowned people, - Anatoly Baranov continued. - I'd like to recollect one more - Muscovites can't swim. Though they think that they can. They better don't think so - they would be safer. Capital authorities are guilty in it - where should boys and girls master swimming, if it's necessary to spend half of an hour or hour in metro to reach the nearest reservoir? I spent my childhood in Khimki, more over, on the Left Bank - it's something like local Harlem or South Bronx. At the time we had about 5-6 beaches, ponds where we used to swim as much as we wanted. Naturally, not all of us could swim. As well as fight, ski or drink vodka. Otherwise, it would be impossible to survive, I think. There was no problem with finding place where to go to swim. People drowned rarely, it seems that local people didn't drown at all. What about Luzhkov's Moscow? City is situated on a big river which meandering passes almost all regions of the city. There's Grebnoj Channel in Krylatskoe but it's impossible to swim there - it's possible to swim in Grebnoj Channel in Rostov-on-Don and impossible in Moscow. Rostov is situated on Don, at that all left bank - solid rest area, kilometers of beaches and there's no buildings. What about Moscow? From the upper stream of Moscow-river - from that part where it just enters the city and where waters are pure - it's forbidden and even difficult to swim. Khimkinky reservoir with Volgian water - is also almost closed. At that water in Moscow-river has been cleaned long ago - even starlet appeared there. While it's forbidden to swim! So, Muscovites will continue drowning on overbusy beaches. Capital authorities don't care. They have cottages on Rublevka and on reservoir in Pirogovo, outside the city where there are places to swim..."


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