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Terrorists Blew Up Baksanskaya Hydro-Electric Power Station

Terrorists Blew Up Baksanskaya Hydro-Electric Power Station

Two explosion devices blew up on Baksanskaya hydro-electric power station. AS "Interfax" informs, early in the morning unknown people penetrated into the territory of hydro-electric power station, killed two security officers and wounded two shift workers. Terrorists put explosion devices first of which worked out approximately at 5.20. In about forty minutes - at 6:00 the second explosion thundered, as a result of it one of hydrogenerators burnt. Main generator hall was also damaged. At 6:14 hydro-electric power station was deenergized.

Message on attack was confirmed by "RusHydro", JSC and press-center Ministry of Interior. Source of "Interfax" declared that the station remained mined - operative group which came to the place of incident found out several explosion devices. Paddles of the station are open, the water is being thrown up in vain.

Baksanskaya hydro-electric power station enters the structure of branch company "RusHydro", JSC in Kabardino-Balkaria, it's situated on the river Baksan of Baksan region of Kabardino-Balkar Republic. Regulated capacity of the station - 25 МW.

Baksanskaya hydro-electric power station is built in 1930-1936 according to updated plan of State Committee on Electrification of Russia. The first aggregate with capacity 8300 kW introduced into work on September, 20, 1936.

- Things which analysts forecasted 10 years ago started happening, - editor-in-chief of FORUM.msk Anatoly Baranov. - Objects of infrastructure in the modern society are very defenceless for terrorist threat, consequences could be catastrophic and target of adequate control over all similar objects are extremely complicated. It seems that the state in RF appeared not ready to such threat - either 10 years ago and now when it's impossible to call things which happened sudden surprise. It's strange that something of the kind didn't take place before.


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