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"Battle Rot Gun" of the Comrade Rashkin

"Battle Rot Gun" of the Comrade Rashkin
Baranov Anatoly 03.08.2007
There appeared an interview of the secretary of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of the Russian Federation V.F.Rashkin  on the official site of the Party under the heading: "To Seat the Majority to the State Duma and to Win Presidential Elections - Is a Target №1".

I re-read the heading for the second and the third time - may be, I dare say, Boba Rabinovich is provoking the public? No, it's not Rabinovich. It's Rashkin.

I read through the text. Really, the heading precisely reflects the content. Here you are, for example, characteristic fragment:


"We have general direction of work: parliamentary struggle. Representation of Communist Party in authorities today is an important stage of development of a party. The more places we have, the greater influence we can render on development of the country. That is, now we have the following aim: the communists should have 50% of places +1 supervising in the Duma and our candidate should win on presidential elections. To change situation in Russia is possible only having taken authority complexly. If we take only a presidential place - there is Duma blocking decisions of the president from opposition. Today the target to seat the majority to the State Duma and to win presidential elections is №1. And today we already solve it in a complex. The party has solved the problem of the lists of candidates to the State Duma. Practically all regions fixed their position with nominee of the president from the Communist Party of the Russian Federation. Gennady Andreevich Zyuganov will become it. It's really a strong personality, the person of enormous experience, literacy, prepared to the level appointed. He knows the country, personnel, he perfectly orientates himself in international matters. It's a person who can organize the work of the government and all levels of legislative authority". 


So, it's clear to everyone who is interested in the slightest degree in politics that to seat the majority to the Duma won't be possible on these elections for the Communist Party of the Russian Federation. The "kindest" sociologists give 19%. It's like a carrot before a nose of a neddy. A dream. I have a dream as Martin Luther King used to say.


There will be 15-16% in the reality at the best state of things. It seems to me, it will be necessary to struggle even for 10 %, but I am a pessimist though well informed.


But the majority, that is 50% of places +1... Whom Rashkin say it for? For feeble-minded? For men of faith?


I, certainly, understand that there are things which is better to hidden from the majority of people and then the leader says: "Everything's ok, it is necessary to go forward, a victory is near, after the hill". But there is not a victory after the hill but next hill. But it is necessary to go and one shouldn't tell truth to people, otherwise they will not go anywhere and then nobody will reach it.


But in our case everything is absolutely clear to everybody. There is no mentally healthy member of a party who would not understand that the Communist Party will not have 50% in the next State Duma.


What is then the reason to consider the comrades on a party feeble-minded? It is simply offensive when you understand that you are being treated as an idiot. At that those who treats you like this perfectly understand that you understand everything - and continue to behave with you as with silly person.


It's alike to the behaviour of army political workers during the period of the Soviet authority familiar to me. Perfectly understanding that soldiers also perfectly understand everything, but thus continuing to repeat the same bother.


But Valery Rashkin is not a political worker at all! He used to be engineer-technologist, manufacturer. He perfectly knows as working collectives treated such, may I call it, agitators. They called them "rot guns"!


Meantime Rashkin, perfectly understanding what he is saying, continues "to throw rot".


At that he blabs out somehow absolutely childly: "It's our general direction of work: parliamentary struggle".


Workers strike in Tolyatti and Kostomuksha, there are plenty of the left active workers on the streets, in trains, in working locker rooms, meanwhile Rashkin has parliamentary activity as - a mainstream of work. The comrade does not understand that it at least cannot be spoken and more fairly will be not to think thus.


"The more there will be these places, the greater influence we can render on the development of the country," - Rashkin says.


What development? What country? It is stated in the Program of a party, in the very first line: "Present ruling mode using lies and violence tries to return peoples of our Fatherland to barbarous, primitive capitalism. It is a way of political reaction and social recourse, a way of national collapse leading to destruction of the Russian civilization".


At the time according to Rashkin, there is a development in the country and he is even going even to influence it.


"The party solved the problem of the lists of candidates for the State Duma", Rashkin approves. But in fact there hasn't been yet a congress, which is the only organ that is proxy to solve the problem on candidates - it will be carried out only in September. And a number of regions haven't defined yet with the lists on the last conferences.

May be comrade Rashkin has some "inner party" which is higher all congresses and conferences? And this party has already defined long time ago?


Whom this all spoken by comrade Rashkin to? Obviously it's possible to tell such things to ordinary communists only in one case - if you wish to humiliate them. It's like saying that everything has been already arranged for all of you long time ago and no matter what "rot" you sweep now, you will do as you will be ordered!


But speech of comrade Rashkin, obviously, refers not to comrades from the party. We are not taken into account here. All this - is a "message" to the only person, it's something like a ritual genuflection:


"Practically all regions fixed their position with nominee of the president from the Communist Party of the Russian Federation. Gennady Andreevich Zyuganov will become it. It's really a strong personality, the person of enormous experience, literacy, prepared to the level appointed. He knows the country, personnel, he perfectly orientates himself in international matters. It's a person who can organize the work of the government and all levels of legislative authority".


Have you noticed? They defined not with the candidate for presidents but "with a nominee of the president from the Communist Party of the Russian Federation". The flattery should be rough so that the one to whom the flattery is addressed, felt that he is flattered and took pleasure in the fact of flattery.


Further - a set of quite senseless doxology: "... He/she is the person who can organize and work of the government, all levels of legislature ".

Дальше - набор вполне бессмысленных славословий: "... It's a person who can organize the work of the government and all levels of legislative authority".


Perhaps, he can. But - he never tried. He worked not for a day neither in any government, nor in any structures of executive authority. He passed from all levels of legislature only one level - the top one. But even there he was not occupied by parliamentary work - he did not emceed any session in the Duma, was not the vice-speaker, did not supervise any committee even for a day. That is, may be he will manage with it, but it nobody knows. He has no experience.


Actually, the absence of experience of the real governmental management makes concentration around such leader of a thick layer of flatterers and spongers possible. Rather skilled leader will never really allow to put oneself in so awkward situation by irrepressible and ridiculous flattery.


Especially - before the eyes of the voters and a party active on the eve of the elections.


Though... In one case - he can. When the results of these elections are deeply indifferent to him. A percent more or a percent less... Up to 50 % + 1 voice, certainly, the matter won't come.


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