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"Successor Serezha" Said That Not Everybody Will Live to See the Elections

"Successor Serezha" Said That Not Everybody Will Live to See the Elections

On Saturday the first vice-premiers of the government of the Russian Federation Dmitry Medvedev and Sergey Ivanov promised shortly to explain their positions in connection to the presidential elections in Russia in 2008, agency "Interfax" informs. At a meeting of the first vice-premiers with active workers of the proKremlin youth movement "Nashi" on the lake Seliger one of the young men asked, what campaign headquarters he should adjoin. He didn't receive a fair answer - "guess, who will win and join him". However all the same it turned out to be interesting.

"It's not too long to wait. You are a young person - you will live to see for sure and if there still will be a desire, we together with Dmitry Anatolevich shall think and we shall make a decision", - Ivanov  assured a young man, probably, hinting that not everyone will live till March, 2008. The good beginning for pre-election campaign.

Medvedev did not state ambiguous reasons, and on clear gathered language has told, that in a question of presidential elections "the main thing not to loose any sleep, not to twitch, but to wait for succession of events". And really, what for to twitch for real? "It's too late..."

"You can not doubt, our country won't remain without authority", - Medvedev calmed the young man. The main task of those who will come to power in 2008 is to do so that "not to give off the hopes which have been created during these years, not to exchange for a five-three-copecks piece but to finish to the logic end", he added. Here he made a mistake with lexicon - it was necessary to explain to the ones gathered that "five-three-copecks piece" is not a fashionable grass, not the name of a group but approximately 15 copecks in old money. And what means "to finish hopes up to the logic end" we didn't understand by ourselves in editorial office. May be the meaning is not to hope any more?

In conversation with active workers of "Nashi" the first vice-premiers also noted that they had a lot of things in common. When one of the present noticed that visitors agreed with each other in everything, Medvedev declared: "We have common education and a set of values. They are not only global. We listen to one music. When the groups come, we go on concerts of these groups. It not a facade, it means that our internal spirit is close".

Here, certainly, the question arises - well, Medvedev is forty, Ivanov is already more then fifty. Is it really so that they don't miss all the concerts of the traveling groups?

To tell you the truth, the future president of such elegant, refined country as Russia, moreover from such city as brilliant St.-Petersburg one wants see at a concert of Carreras or Monserat Caballe and not at a concert in Luzniki for teenagers. But here we recollected that the confidant from the oligarches approached to authority Vladimir Potanin celebrated New Year in Georges Michael's society that brought elderly rocker 5 million dollars of fairly earned and taxed money.

May be we should appoint in government and oligarches pure teenagers and not to lose any sleep?

As Medvedev said the main distinction between him and his colleague is that "my neighbour is called Sergey and me - Dima". Ivanov added: "We are not twins-brothers, but we have a lot of in common". In particular, he reminded that they studied at one university.

Well, the depth of program distinctions between "successors" encourages. Thus the present president is called Volodya and for the past 8 years we haven't learned if he has any program.

It looks like we won't learn about it in the following 8. It is not necessary to lose any sleep.

The first vice-premiers also admitted that they dream of the most simple things. "So that there will be everything ok in the family, in the country", - Ivanov said. Not specifying - who should be absolutely ok and who - a little bit worse.

"The main thing is - not to niggle and so that it was not sadly", - Medvedev noted.

"Each person has also the third desire, but it's so secret that nobody speaks about it", - he added then.

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