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Russia Has Poor Quality of the State Management Which Is Accompanied by High Level of Corruption and Low Accountability of the Authority to Society

Russia Has Poor Quality of the State Management Which Is Accompanied by High Level of Corruption and Low Accountability of the Authority to Society

World Bank published the report about quality of the state management in 212 countries of the world, including Russia and the CIS countries. "Washington Profile" informs.

According to the report, for 10 years, from 1996 to 2006, quality of state management has essentially grown in such countries as Kenya, Ruanda, Algeria, Indonesia and Tajikistan but has fallen in Belarus, Bolivia, Nepal and the Cote d'Ivoire. In Russia, as it is seen from the report, there is no progress - it still adjoins to the African countries and such "great power empires" as Venezuela and Iran.

The basic conclusion of the report under the name "Quality of Management Matters: Parameters of Efficiency of State Management in the World for the Years 1996-2006" - on the average quality of state management for last decade almost has not changed. "Kommersant" with the reference to the report marks that it is spoken about Russia as about the country where quality of management for last ten years has not actually changed. However, it remains the same also in such countries, as Italy, Brazil, India and China.

"It inspires hope that the significant amount of the African countries shows considerable changes. Improvement of the state management has paramount value for increase of efficiency of help and steady development", - one of the authors of the report - Daniel Kaufmann - says. He approves that the total volume of bribes in the world is being estimated in one billion dollars and corruption is especially heavy for inhabitants of the poorest countries.

Parameters of the efficiency of the state management have been received on the basis of statistical and econometric analysis of data from 33 sources, including "opinions of tens thousand respondents", statistical researches of the nongovernmental organizations and official statistics. It is affirmed in the report that mathematical accuracy of estimations of parameters makes approximately 90 %.

The methodology of World Bank includes six parameters describing state management: consideration of opinion of the population and the accountability of the state bodies, political stability and absence of violence, overall efficiency of work of authorities, quality of legislation, leadership of law and struggle against corruption. Russia has not reached considerable progress even on one of them.

The system of estimation which was used is unusual for the former Soviet person - a seven-ball scale, where 1 - the maximum estimation (it means that the rating of the state in the category given makes 90-100 %), 7 - the lowest (0 %, the state is absolutely the worst in the category given). "Two" means a rating of 75-90 %, "three" - 50-75 %, "four" - 25-50 %, "five" - 10-25 %., "six" - (0-10 %).

The rating of the postSoviet states looks as follows:

The Russian Federation. "Five" for "The Efficiency of Work of the Government" and "Quality of Legislation", the rest are "six".

Belarus. The lowest 7-th point is received on parameters "Account of Opinion of the Population" and "Quality of Legislation". "Six" for "The Efficiency of Work of the Government", "Leadership of the Law" and "Quality of Legislation", "three" - for "Political stability".

Ukraine. All "fives".

Moldova. "Six" for "The Efficiency of Work of the Government", all other "fives".

Armenia: "Four" on four categories ("Account of Opinion of the Population", "Political Stability", "Leadership of the Law" and "Struggle against Corruption"), "three" - on remained two ("The Efficiency of Work of the Government" and "Quality of Legislation").

Azerbaijan: "Six" on four categories ("Account of Opinion of the Population", "Political Stability", "Leadership of the Law" and "Struggle against Corruption"), "four" - on two ("The Efficiency of Work of the Government" and "Quality of Legislation").

Georgia. "Six" for "Political Stability", "three" for "The Efficiency of Work of the Government", the rest categories received four points.

Kazakhstan. "Five" for "Political Stability", "The Efficiency of Work of the Government" and "Quality of Legislation", other categories received "six" (the second worst estimation).

Kyrgyzstan. "Five" for "Account of Opinion of the Population" and "Quality of Legislation", "six" - for four other categories.

Tajikistan. All "six" points.

Turkmenistan. All "seven" points, "Political Stability" received "four".

Uzbekistan. "Six" for "The Efficiency of Work of the Government" and "Struggle against Corruption", other categories received "seven" (the lowest point).

Latvia. "Two" for "Quality of Legislation", the others - "three".

Lithuania. "Three" for "Leadership of the Law" and "Struggle against Corruption", the others - "two".

Estonia. The maximum point ("one") for "Quality of Legislation", "three" - for "Political Stability". Other four parameters received "two".

As it is marked in the report, some of the developing countries managed to achieve significant progress in the account of the opinion of the population and accountability of the state authorities, for example, Indonesia, Kenya, Niger and Serbia. Algeria, Angola, Libya and Rwanda became more politically stable.

Efficiency of the government has improved in Afghanistan, Hong Kong, Algeria and Democratic People's Republic of Korea. Quality of legislation in Armenia, Congo, Slovakia and Tajikistan and the principle of leadership of the law began to prevail in Algeria, Libya, Serbia and again in Tajikistan. The greater control over corruption they have achieved in Serbia and Tanzania.

Interrelation between quality of the state management and corruption is proved mathematically in the research. For example, in the USA, Canada, Portugal, Hungary and Costa Rica where the quality of the state management is high, the level of corruption is low and officials are accountable to the society.

In Russia alongside with Egypt, Pakistan, Iran and Venezuela poor quality of the state management is accompanied by a high level of corruption and the low accountability of authority. Finland is the leader on a parameter "account of opinion of the population and the accountability of the state bodies" and Russia is near to Zimbabwe. The same position is being acquired by Russia on parameters of efficiency of the state and leadership of the law dividing places in a rating with Ghana and Venezuela.

Making comments on the report of World Bank Vladimir Filin said:

"In general ratings of Russia are quite objective meaning that there was no progress achieved for last ten years. Decrease in quality of state management follows, first of all, from the personnel selection of the Kremlin based on a principle of negative selection and based on two "whales" - on the fact of belonging of the competitor to a post to "Petersburg command" or on his readiness in to buy a post for the large sum of money in a literal sense. Corruption hasn't also been decreased for ten years, on the contrary, it acquired more systematic and organized character. Responsibility of the officials for the consequences of the decisions taken by them, on the contrary, is practically absent.   

The only thing where one can see progress is political stability. But it entirely and completely is a merit of the high prices for oil in the world market. If in 1998 they fell up to 8-9 dollars for barrel, now they make 74 dollars for a barrel, that is they have increased almost tenhold. Owing to it the authority had an opportunity to stop up with a part of these unearned superincomes the centers of discontent throwing charities to people. Praised Putin's stability is based on it, it will end on the next day after the decrease of the prices for oil. Sooner or later it will happen".

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