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Abnormal Heat and Drought Brings Preservation of Harvest into Question

Abnormal Heat and Drought Brings Preservation of Harvest into Question

According to the forecasts of Meteorological Center of FR, stem of thermometer will reach 38 degrees above zero to the end of this week in majority of central regions of Russia.

Bryansk, Oryol, Tula, Kaluga, Smolensk, Moscow, Tver and Yaroslavl regions are under the influence of abnormal heat. The state of emergency is planned to be brought in three other subjects due to the drought. At the moment it's acting in 15 regions. Strong heat reached Yakutia, the air there will be warmed up to 35 degrees above zero in the nearest three days. It's 44 degrees above zero in Dagestan. Temperature in Krasnodar region, Rostov-on-Don and Astrakhan region is above 40 degrees.

Substations don't withstand overload due to the heat. Air conditioner in apartments and on enterprises work almost all 24 hours, network loading is exceeded 2-3 times. Dispatchers receive up to 300 claims on troubles with energy supply.

One more serious problem - shortage of water. The river of Akhtuba is drying up, for last two weeks river has fallen almost on fifty metres. River stage is already critical. River stage in Volga sank more than on two metres in comparison to spring. Specialists consider that it won't be possible to preserve the harvest on the south of Russia. The government has already decreased prediction of grain harvest, possible the result will be even worse.

Scientists forecast waves of exhausting heat in the nearest 30 years

Even if abnormal weather in the central part of Russia will become in a week or two normal, it's too early to sign relieved. American scientists consider that waves of abnormal heat will become for the USA common phenomenon, while Russian scientists talk about similar tendency in relation both to Russia and the whole world.

To 2039 weather anomalies obviously will set certain risks for agriculture and health of people and will lead to different disasters such as drought and fires.

According to the forecasts of researches from Stanford University, unprecedentedly hot, dry seasons will happen in 2020s years, then the record will be broken in the third decade of this century. As the head of climatic program of WWF Alexey Kokorin considers, in the whole Americans talk about the same tendency which is described in the reports of the Russian Meteorological Center - about the tendency of increasing of extreme acts of nature. Lat year there were 385 similar acts, it's two time more than 15 years ago. In another 15 years this number will increase twice.

As to the waves of heat in our country, its number in 2009 was 12, in 2010 this index, obviously, will be beaten.

Аrtem Mikhajlov, RBK daily


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