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Key to the Future Is Not in Skolkovo - Key to the Future Is in the Kremlin

Key to the Future Is Not in Skolkovo - Key to the Future Is in the Kremlin
Delyagin Michael 14.07.2010

Old empiric conclusion according to which the main specificity of the Russian state is its corrupted character, orientation of the majority of officials on personal enrichment, not on achievement of public interest got confirmation not from the part of someone but directly from "Edinaya Russia".

According to the newspaper "Vedomosty", interrogation of 4535 participants of its staff reserve carried out by specialists of the party gave shocking results. According to the last, "civil service attracts people by possibility to solve private problems (58%), high status (51%), chance to get shady incomes (46%) and privileges for them and their families (37%). People get there using proper connections or by calls (86%)".

Participants of staff reserve of "the party in power" think, of course, differently - it influences their destinies: only 400 people from about 2,5 thousand who totally passed multistage system of selection on posts were selected. More than five sixth of "reservists" remain non-demanded: as soon as it's possible to understand the system of the Russian state management quite effectively rejects even the most qualified and capable people, if they treat fulfillment of their duties bona fide.

It's clear that personnel and corporate culture which has been established in the country after removal of the government of Primarov-Maslyukov who rescued the country after default of 1998 don't allow not only to be engaged in "effective modernization on the base of innovations" but even to fulfill simplest actions such as state purchases scrupulously.

The main part of the states aspires to the public benefit. Officials manage to enrich a bit in the process and public benefit is being understood sometimes in perverted form. However, there is less difference between state systems created by F.D.Roosevelt (who made his country world leader) and Paul Pot (who was going to eliminate 5 of 8 million inhabitants of Kampuchea for public benefit), than between one of them and modern Russian state system. Both of them aspired to public good; while the Russian state, as soon as it's possible to judge, sincerely considers itself means for personal enrichment of the officials forming it.

It's terrible diagnosis but only it allow to explain both visible inability to modernization (which will become curse word as perestroika at Gorbachev) and faery corruption, evident lawlessness of officials openly neglecting their duties as well as messages about intention to spend 39 billion dollars on Olympic Games in Sochi.

The Russian state strikingly and unexplainably ineffective if to look at it from the point of view of traditional, ordinary states, from the point of view of interests of people. There will be no questions, if to look at it as on means for personal enrichment: its actions seem to be surprisingly logic and effective and class of kleptocracy (from that part of officials that steal) which has been formed is true ruling class of the modern Russia.

The only trouble is that such motivation is fatal: that's the reason why similar state institutions are rare and not typical in the world history.

If we want to have normal life, we should seek not to nanotechnologies, broad band WL and already forgotten energy-saving lamps but to the state recovery. Vector of activity of the Russian society should be directed not on Skolkovo but on the Kremlin - the fact that even creatures of "Edinaya Russia" understand it with strange clearness is serious reason for historical optimism.

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