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"Other Russia" Will Put Forward Limonov into the President or Will Disappear

"Other Russia" Will Put Forward Limonov into the President or Will Disappear

By autumn the number of supporters of "Other Russia" will considerably increase. That is what the leader of United Civil Front Harry Kasparov thinks, he declared it at conference after the expert round table which took place within the frameworks of the conference "Other Russia" on July, 7th, a site "Kasparov.ru" informs. According to him, after September, 2nd those who failed to take place in the list of the parties standing for the Duma, would join the only real among existing parties opposition. Meanwhile the only irreconcilable-oppositional coalition is on the verge of the collapse, that is partially the result of the work of the Kremlin, partially it's put in the concept of the structure.   

In his turn the leader of the forbidden National Bolshevik Party Edward Limonov declared that the banners of "Other Russia" will be joined by the active workers of "Yabloko" and the Communist Parties of the Russian Federation disappointed in the policy of their management. Apparently, he means "neoTrotskysts" and first of all the former editor-in-chief of official portal of the Communist Party of the Russian Federation Anatoly Baranov, political consultant Peter Miloserdov and the first secretary of the Western District Committee of the Moscow City Committee Communist Party of the Russian Federation Pavel Basanets.

Meanwhile, ex-prime-minister of Russia, the leader of the Russian People's Democratic Union Michael Kasyanov refused from participation in the conference some days prior to its carrying out. Serious contradictions on the matter definition of the uniform candidate for the president from opposition started up between him and another participant of coalition, in particular, between the leader of the United Civil Front Kasparov and the head of National Bolsheviks Edward Limonov. Kasparov explains nonparticipation in the conference of "Other Russia" of the leader of the Republican Party of Russia Vladimir Ryzhkov exactly by the attempts to get in the list of one of official parties. Lyudmila Alekseeva - the head of the Moscow-Helsinki group, the president of the Institute "Public Agreement" Alexander Auzan and the chapter of the fund "Indem" George Satarov who head "The All-Russia Civil Congress" will also not take part in the conference.

- In spite of the fact that I follow with greater attention everything that occurs in "Other Russia" and the chairman of Editorial Board of FoRuM.msk Michael Deljagin actively enough cooperates with this structure, there are no bases to suppose that someone from dissatisfied with a policy of management of the Communist Party of the Russian Federation "will locate" in "Other Russia", - editor-in-chief of FORUM.msk Anatoly Baranov commented situation. - Anyway, there were no negotiations on the theme. The matter is in non-consistency of "Other Russia", its basic non-embeddability into the existing political system of the country as a whole - and huge quantity of its components which are excellently built in that system with which "Other Russia" is fighting. With such lay of the land the coalition turns into "communal grave" and it is wrong. I trust in non-consistency and revolutionism of Limonov, but I do not trust in "revolutionary Kasyanov" or "revolutionary Satarov". Once Edward vaniaminovich even got furious with me, because I refused to believe in seriousness of Kasyanov as the candidate in the president from all opposition. I think today Limonov won't argue if I were right in my doubts. I do not trust in "leaders" who suddenly turn out at once from obedient nomenclature boys. I cannot and I do not wish to be fascinated by the next airhead - and, I believe, a lot of cogitative people are solidary with me. Unfortunately, it is necessary to recognize that a phrase "we shall go another way" hardly refers to "march of not consent". We shall see, as events will develop in the nearest two months and we won't start hurrying up with conclusions and evaluations. If Limonov will be put forward tomorrow from opposition, I will say - well, it's not possible, but I will play in it. But if you need to blow up the balls - please, find someone who is younger...
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