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Radio Detection and Ranging Equipment in Gabala Will Complete the American System of Anti-Missile Defense in the Europe without Participation of Russia

Radio Detection and Ranging Equipment in Gabala Will Complete the American System of Anti-Missile Defense in the Europe without Participation of Russia

Minister of Defence of the USA Robert Gates will visit Baku on July, 9th. According to Stratfordsky Research Center, Gates will discuss with the president of Azerbaijan Ilham Aliev a question of leasing out of Gabalinskaya Radio Detection and Ranging Equipment to the USA after 2012 - the end of validity of the contract of rent signed with the Russian Federation.

As analyst M.Stoun considers, in this case sharing of Gabalinskaya Radio Detection and Ranging Equipment by Russia and the USA seems unreal. Moreover, Robert Gates will discuss with official Baku an opportunity of creation of transit military bases on the territory of Azerbaijan.

In the meantime the future president of Russia Sergey Ivanov, having mentioned V.V.Putin's bold antiIranian initiatives providing admission of the Americans not only in Gabala, that, probably, couldn't be avoided anyway, but also on a constant basis to Radio Detection and Ranging Equipment near Armavir which is now under construction as well as to the Central Control of the System of Prevention of a Rocket Attack situated in Golitsino  near Moscow, declared:

"The new Russian offers connected with antimissile defense radically change configuration of the international relations. If the Russian offers will be accepted, you - journalists, will forget an expression "cold war".

Ivanov calmed that in this case Russia will not place new rocket troops on its European territory, in particular, in the Kaliningrad area, meaning, first of all, tactical rocket complexes "Iskander-M" in a variant of their equipage with cruise missiles with confirmed range of shooting about 400 kilometers.

On the other hand, Ivanov said, all antiIranian offers made earlier to the Americans by Putin will be actual only in case that the USA would refuse expansion of Radio Detection and Ranging Equipment in Czechia and anti-missiles in Poland. However, both Robert Gates and George Bush though having called Putin's offers "deserving attention" didn't refuse from the plans of placing elements of the System in Czechia and Poland.   

Thus, however, as it becomes clear now, the offer about Gabalinskaya Radio Detection and Ranging Equipment actually was an attempt to sell to the Americans what actually didn't belong to Russia any more and without dependence from its opinion and desire, probably, would be used by the USA.

As political scientist Ruslan Saidov considers, applications of the Kremlin to place tactical rocket complexes with cruise missiles in the Kaliningrad area can cause not less serious consequences. It's not clear to whom except for Poland and Baltic these complexes will constitute a menace. May be only, in the perspective, to Germany, but not to the USA.

The Americans, having grasped an occasion given, is quite capable as a reciprocal measure to place the rockets in new and future members of NATO - Baltic, Poland, in the Ukraine and in Georgia. "This is the only thing that they will achieve in the Kremlin finally, - the political scientist considers. - It is impossible to suggest the Americans today to merge in ecstasy of cooperation against Iran and tomorrow, having taken offence to Washington, to exhale in its address ridiculous threats which nobody seriously perceives ".
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