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There Will Be Private Armies and Private Wars in Russia

There Will Be Private Armies and Private Wars in Russia

The State Duma passed in the first reading the bill giving to employees of "Transneft", Ltd and "Gazprom", Ltd  the right to use duty weapon and special means to provide safety of oil and gas mains and other objects to which higher requirements of protection are stated.

It is informed, that actuality of the bill is connected with the fact that these organizations are obliged to provide more effective protection of oil and gas mains in conditions of presence of terrorist threat which should exclude possibility of access of outsiders to especially important and dangerous objects. Financing of the expenses connected with realization of this bill will be made on behalf of the company means.

In opinion of the Safety Committee of the State Duma it's necessary to the second reading of the bill to work out the provision regarding giving "Transneft" and "Gazprom" the status of legal bodies with special authorized targets. Besides it is offered to specify the order of the statement of the list of the objects which are subjected to the armed security, the responsibility of employees of "Transneft" and "Gazprom" and their affiliated societies in sphere of turnover of the duty weapon, including the order of purchase, storage, the account and delivery of the weapon and special means, "Interfax" informs.

- Actually, something similar was waited already for a long time, - editor-in-chief of FORUM.msk Anatoly Baranov makes comments on the event. - The Russian state gradually transfers attributes of the statehood in private hands. Why not to appear to the private armies? There are already private special services. As well as private police. From the point of view of process of globalization formation of a new world public formation assumes also revival of some features inherent to earlier, than capitalism, social systems. During an epoch of feudalism private armies of dukes, princes and emirs were not surprising to anybody and the power of "Gazprom" is more significant than some dukedom.   

"Naturally, protection of communications against mythical terrorist threat is just a pretext, - Anatoly Baranov considers. - The state had both FSB and the Ministry of Internal Affairs and there were once also special pipeline departments. But under a pretext of protection of pipelines it is possible to acquire the right to form military divisions armed, paid off better and more professionally completed, than the state ones. Tomorrow the army will be asked by the Russian railways, by the RAO "Unified Energy System of Russia" and other large structures possessing stretched communications. The day after tomorrow similar rights will be requested by the companies which should protect factories, ports and warehouses. And so on and so forth. I guarantee that, not waiting for the exiles to Siberia, private armies will start to protect places of residing of heads of the companies, to bear personal protection. Soon we shall hear about collisions of the private armed structures, in case new feudal lords will not divide something. Further on - private armies will start "put back" the state structures. Try to come with tax check to office which is protected by a squadron of special troops with heavy techniques. Try to arrest the magnate who leaves his palace only accompanied by a troop of tanks and supported from air by fighting helicopters. I simply sorrow for Michael Khodorkovsky - he should have only wait a little with ambitions and now he would be not in Krasnokamsk, but review troops of divisions o fJUKOS".

- By the way, statements that Putin is going to head "Gazprom" interestingly correspond to new bill, - Anatoly Baranov finishes. - Go and try to do something to ex-president sitting in a tower on Kamenny Island surrounded by faithful army and fleet. I suppose, it's not possible to imagine better guarantees of sanctuary...
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