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Besides the Old Radar in Gabala the Americans Will Be Permitted to the New Radio Detection and ranging Equipment in Armavir and Central Control of the Russian System of Prevention of Rocket Attack in Golitsino

Besides the Old Radar in Gabala the Americans Will Be Permitted to the New Radio Detection and ranging Equipment in Armavir and Central Control of the Russian System of Prevention of Rocket Attack in Golitsino

Presidents of the Russian Federation and the USA Vladimir Putin and Georges Bush-junior and also the daddy of the last, Georges Bush-senior, finished informal negotiations in Bush-senior's estate Walker Point  in state of Maine. After sea fishing Putin and Bush-junior went to the journalists and told them about results of meetings proceeded two days.

Disagreements between two countries on the American anti-missile defense system in the Europe and problems of Kosovo as well as the nuclear program of Iran were the main themes of meetings.

As it was announced, Putin and Bush agreed to act in common within the limits of Security Council of the United Nations for prevention of creation the nuclear weapon in Iran. "If Russia and the USA have identical position, it usually has effect, therefore I am rather grateful to Russia for its work within the limits of Security Council of the United Nations. We are close to developing of the joint decision on this question", - "Associated Press" quotes Bush's words. In his turn Putin promised "that teamwork" with the USA on the Iranian question within the limits of Security Council of the United Nations would be successful.

Vladimir Putin once again put forward new courageous initiatives on a problem of Anti-Missile Defense System. He suggested to Bush to expand frameworks of consultation: "Russia considers possible to expand frameworks of consultations on the System using for this purpose a platform of Council Russia-NATO".

The president of the USA from his part called it "courageous, interesting, new idea" which "should be worked out". According to Bush, Russia put forward in relation to the System new initiatives which seem to be to Washington "innovative, sincere, strategic". Alongside with it, from its part the USA stressed in the dialogue that "Czechia and Poland should be essential part of the System," Bush noted.

Putin suggested to create the center on information interchange for work within the limits of the System in Moscow and also use a station which is under construction in the south of Russia under the early prevention of rocket start-up. "The analytical center could be created in one of the European countries, for example, in Bruxelles", - he added. "It would be the closed system which works in a mode of real time", - Putin explained.

According to the Russian president, the offers are not limited only to the use of Radio Detection and Ranging Equipment in Gabala. "We are ready to reconstruct it if it will be necessary and if it is not enough - to include in this system a station of the early prevention of rocket start-up which is under construction in the south of Russia", - Putin declared. Georges Bush supported Putin's idea to create the regional concept of antimissile defense.

"President Putin offered the regional concept of the System. I like this idea", - Bush said on the press-conference. "I think that the president of Russia made a concrete and firm step forward having proposed to expand these negotiations having included the Europe and NATO," - the president of the USA declared.

Making comments on the meetings of the presidents of the USA and Russia political scientist Puslan Saidov paid attention to the obstructive desire of the Kremlin to please Washington in its conflict with Iran.

Besides Ruslan Saidov explained that Vladimir Putin "in addition to the outdated Radio Detection and ranging Equipment "Daryal" in Azerbaijan suggested the Americans to use radar station of system of the prevention of a rocket attack in Armavir area which is now under construction. Besides Putin, as a matter of fact, invited the Americans in Golitsino situated near Moscow where the Central Control of the Russian System of Prevention of Rocket Attack is located. Minding the fact that Bush directly declared that Radio Detection and Ranging Equipment in Czechia and counter missiles in Poland would be placed in any case. Thus, Gabala, Armavir and Golitsino will become not alternative but additional system of anti-missile defense of the USA in the Europe".
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