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Comb-outs Continue in the Communist Party of the Russian Federation. This Time They Are “Right Deviationists"

Comb-outs Continue in the Communist Party of the Russian Federation. This Time They Are “Right Deviationists"
In the evening on June, 26th Peter Miloserdov was shifted off all party posts (Chief of the sector in the administration of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of the Russian Federation) with a prospect of exile from a party. The reason (and the basis at the same time) - participation in the "national democratic" project "People". It is the second loud resignation in the Communist Party of the Russian Federation during a week but this time the expelled character had no relation to "neo-Trotskyism" and actually followed "the right deviation". It is possible to tell with confidence that the Communist Party of the Russian Federation has entered a period of party comb-outs - by tradition both senseless and ruthless.

Let's remind, on Saturday the text of Decision of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of the Russian Federation "About Danger of Neo-Trotskyism Demonstrations in the Communist Party of the Russian Federation" in which the editor-in-chief of the official portal of the Communist Party of the Russian Federation in the Internet Anatoly Baranov and the secretary of the Western District Committee Moscow City Committee of the Communist Party of the Russian Federation Pavel Basanets were accused in the "neo-Trotskyism". The charges formulated by control body of a party have already caused many sneers in mass-media: "people who composed the decision about neo-Trotskyism for sure have qualitative grass!", "New Region" writes. And Kasparov.ru quotes Miloserdov: "I suspect that the authors don't have neoMercator and neoPiolet among them, that is the reason they have no success".

If it is possible at all to treat seriously such formulation from official (sic!) document of a party:... "Baranov's group" persistently pushes the Communist Party of the Russian Federation from victorious Lenin's to false Trotskyist way of fast revolution performed actually in the interests of pro-Western bourgeoisie, not the Russian people and leading to full occupation of Russia by the athletes from NATO".

It can't be compared with Yezhov and Beria thought out pitiful "Japanese-British investigations" and pouring of rusty nails in oil to pioneers. Here, as you can understand, worldwide complot and not somewhere but directly on the Internet-portal of the Communist Party of the Russian Federation.

Though the reaction of the proKremlin mass-media, especially the one supervised directly by political technologists connected with "Edinaya Russia", turned out to be in sympathy with the Central Committee of the Communist Party of the Russian Federation.

«Pravda.ru» addressed a request to comment the situation to the political scientist Alexander Tsipko.

- From the point of view of logic of history and logic of development of the Communist Party of the Russian Federation, it should supersede from its numbers marginal and revolutionary Trotskyism following moods which only cause a loss to image of the Communist Party of the Russian Federation. It is necessary to understand that the modern Communist Party of the Russian Federation is, first of all, a system party. Its program documents assume change of economy within the limits of already developed market economy of a democratic society, - a person who has become famous within the times of reorganization by articles exposing the Communist Party and V.I. Lenin personally informed the resource. - Actually, there is no talking there about restoration of the Soviet model of economy. One should understand that modern Communist Party of the Russian Federation is - most likely, already left-democratic party. According to its primary values mentioned in the program as well as opinions of its leader - it's such a party which takes into consideration foundational values: history, relics, traditions.

In opinion of the Director of Institute of Political Researches Sergey Markov, Rosbalt writes, the Communist Party of the Russian Federation clears off its numbers from provokers and dissenters, it acts absolutely correctly. "In my opinion, the Communist Party of the Russian Federation acts correctly. The party has very serious base which at various times fluctuates from 10 up to 25% of voters. It is very stable solid electoral base and there were many attempts to push away it from the Communists. On the one hand, the Communist Party of the Russian Federation is being brought to the strong serious compromise with party in power, on the other hand, is being pushed to more radical opposition," - Sergey Markov declared in connection to the conflict situation.

Miloserdov didn't receive such attention of mass-media, probably, by virtue of the fact that information about his "clearing off" came too late. He carelessly took part in promotion of one more candidate on a post of the president, meanwhile the Communist Party can have only one candidate - G.A.Zjuganov.

Principles which are formulated in the supported by Milosardov manifest of National Russian Liberatory Movement "People" are very curious, however:

"The main task of the Russian state is - to stop process of degradation of the Russian civilization and creation of conditions for preservation and development of the Russian people, its culture, language, historical territory. Aboriginal nations of Russia have strongly written in to the Russian civilization and linked their lives with the life of the Russian people long time ago".

It looks as if it is written off from the program article of the chapter of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of the Russian Federation Vladimir Nikitin "Let's Return Russia the Russian Spirit". However Miloserdov was also expelled from "an advance party of fighters for the cause of the workers".

The matter is that despite of very strong difference in opinions of "expelled", there is something in common between them - they are rather young (at least by the measures of the Communist Party of the Russian Federation); are rather active and known not only in a party but also out of its limits; are inclined to acceptance of independent decisions, as a rule, successful. But there is also one more general feature - all these different people were preparing for active work in a pre-election staff of the Communist Party of the Russian Federation, at that as political scientists (Miloserdov) and propagandists (Baranov).

Actually electoral staff of the Communist Party of the Russian Federation approaches elections in the State Duma physically exsanguinated and demoralized by party comb-outs. Whom it is favourable to, who ordered and paid for that "achievement" - these are the questions which should be answered by the main control body of a party - Central Auditing Commission. Porbably, they will answer - Trotsky, the NATO and "Baranov's group" are guilty.
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