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The Ukraine Goes to NATO even if It Will Be Necessary to Sacrifice Certain Territory

The Ukraine Goes to NATO even if It Will Be Necessary to Sacrifice Certain Territory
The president of the Ukraine Victor Jushchenko signed the decree "About Target Plan the Ukraine - NATO for 2007 within the Limits of the Plan of action the Ukraine - NATO", the press-service of the head of the state informs. By his decree V.Jushchenko decided to the Cabinet of the Ukraine to provide fulfillment of actions of the Target plan, to the central enforcement authorities responsible for the performance of actions of the Target plan - to submit quarterly up to the 5th date of each month dates following for the accounting period, to the National center - to settle the questions of the EuroAtlantic integration of the Ukraine and to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Ukraine - to make reports on the condition of the fulfillment of the Target plan. 

To the national center on the questions of the EuroAtlantic integration of the Ukraine and to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Ukraine the President decreed to provide generalizations of the reports mentioned and to submit them to the Cabinet for further informing the President of the Ukraine.

Besides V.Jushchenko decreed the State committee of TV and broadcasting of the Ukraine, the National center on the questions of EuroAtlantic integration of the Ukraine, to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Ukraine, other central bodies of the executive authority responsible for the fulfillment of actions stipulated by the Target plan at the participation of the local public authorities to provide regular briefing of the society about the progress and results of the fulfillment of actions on the cooperation of the Ukraine and NATO.

Perhaps, in the decree, besides routine actions which are not enough to change situation, that the Ukraine has bound itself to carry out negotiations with Russia about delimitation of frontier in the Azov, Black Seas and Kerch Strait to finish its legal registration in 2007. At that concrete terms were stated - probably, irrespectively of the fact whether Russia would agree or not with those terms.

Certainly, it's not possible to force anybody here but the Ukraine can go the only real way - to agree at once with all claims of Russia and thus to beat out from hands of the Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs arguments on a tightening of the process. For the sake of introduction into NATO Jushchenko, obviously, is ready to go on territorial concessions.

However a question about the Russian naval base in Sevastopol will be inevitably raised. Here the question is unequivocal - introduction of the Ukraine into NATO is an absolute loss of presence of Russia on the Crimea. Further destiny of the Crimea will be the matter of the Ukraine, Turkey and Crimean Tatars. What will be the way it will be settled?

Dramatic example is - before our eyes.

The USA and the European Union have just presented to Security Council of the United Nations the new draft of resolution offering to postpone declaration of independence of Kosovo for 4 months, Reuters informs.

The new resolution suggests the secretary general of the United Nations Pan Gi Moon to organize negotiations between Belgrad and Prishtina within 120 days. Besides the resolution orders "to the parties to refrain from unilateral decisions concerning the final status of the area during this time".

After that 120-days' period the plan on the declaration of independence offered by the representative of the United Nations in Martti Аhtisaari region will automatically come into force - i.e. Kosovo will get international recognition of independence without dependence from the position of Belgrad. Having changed Kosovo to Crimea is possible to foresee the future of peninsula easily...
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