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Authorities Knew about Coming Act of Terrorism in Beslan

Authorities Knew about Coming Act of Terrorism in Beslan
As mass-media informed, the site of public investigation of act of terrorism in Beslan published the documents testifying that law enforcement bodies foreknew about plans on capture of hostages. On a site "Truth of Beslan" copies of some teletypograms from the 11th, 18th, 25th, 27th and 28th of August, 2004 are placed.

In one of them which were received by Pravoberezhnoe ROVD of Beslan, was informed about movings of insurgents from the Chechen Republic and Ingushetia in the direction of borders of republic of North Osetia. In the document signed by militian chiefs is said that insurgents were going to capture civil object with hostages in territory of republic North Ossetia and then to make demands to withdraw divisions of federal forces from the Chechen Republic.

Teletypogramm of the 18th of August, 2004:

"Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Republic of North Ossetia - Alania received information testifying the movements of members of Illegal Armed Unit from flat part of the Chechen republic and Republic of Ingooshetia ot the mountain-woody area on border between Republic of Ingooshetia and Republic of North Ossetia - Alania. Gathering of insurgents is planned presumably for the middle of August of the current year. After the plan to carry out in the near future in the territory of Republic of North Ossetia - Alania act of terrorism on "Buddenovsk's script ".

According to the received data, insurgents in the territory of Republic of North Ossetia - Alania plan to capture civil object with hostages in territory of republic North Ossetia and then to make demands to withdraw divisions of federal forces from the Chechen Republic. The large sum of currency has been ostensibly sent for carrying out of action from Turkey. I inform about it for taking of steps of anticipatory character".

The signatures of the chiefs of criminal militia, criminal investigation department and a chief of a staff of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Northern Ossetia put signatures under the document.

In other documents the necessity to take all necessary steps on maintenance of antiterrorist safety in schools of Northern Ossetia and in territories adjoining it is specified.

In one teletypeprogram (from August, 11th) the deputy minister of internal affairs of Northern Ossetia suggests to set in the roads around local check points "in condition unsuitable for movement of vehicles" and to report about it till August, 15th. It is connected with the fact that inspection of local roads revealed such roads which could be suitable for the movement of the militants avoiding check points.

Making comments on the given information, political scientist Ruslan Saidov said:

"As to the money from Turkey, it's, certainly, nonsense - a horror story. The sum is, by the way, is small, Basayev and Umarov who supervised act of terrorism directly took them from own sources of the Russian origin.

And all the rest was really like this. In terrorist group the agent of FSB was introduced, he acted whether as the double agent or as the coordinator between Basayev and Umarov and security officers. Instead of overlapping of routes to a group. The corridor was given.

I can only guess what security officials wanted to get but they obviously played. However, not for the first time. The same, I believe, happened with explosions of houses in Moscow and Volgodonsk and so-called doctrines in Ryazan, the same in Nordost where there was an agent introduced, he was in theatre and was showed out from it after the storm and later died in a strange accident. The same, by the way, was with an attempt on Chubays - there also was an agent initially introduced, the information came to hand on a regular basis but was not realized, they waited to the last moment what would be the end.

It became fashionable to think out the Chechen terrorists and then to expose them - a fresh example - obvious imitation of preparation of act of terrorism on May, 9th in Moscow. I think Anna Politkovskaya's murder is from the same series.

As a whole, it is necessary to search for traces of Beslan and other similar events not in the Chechen Republic but in Moscow.
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