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Gabalinskaya Radio Detection and Ranging Equipment Can’t Intercept North-Korean Rockets Launched from Iran against the USA and the Europe

Gabalinskaya Radio Detection and Ranging Equipment Can’t Intercept North-Korean Rockets Launched from Iran against the USA and the Europe
Saidov Ruslan 14.06.2007

While leaders of the countries of "G8" had summit in Germany, there was finally reached an agreement between Iran and Democratic People's Republic of Кorea according to which Iran up to the end of the year would receive from Northern Korea some tens ballistic missiles "Taep'o-dong-2" with range up to 4000 km. It's known that today Iran does not have ballistic missiles capable to reach the Europe. But after finishing of deliveries "Taep'o-dong-2" they will have such rockets.

North-Korean "Taep'o-dong-2" can possibly reach both Berlin and London and even Paris from the Iranian territory. Probably, Russian special services, taking into account a degree of their degradation for the last 15 years, know little about deliveries of the rockets "Taep'o-dong-2" to Iran. However Americans, Israelis, Saudi Arabians, Egyptians, Jordanians, Turks are quite informed about it. In particular, the theme of forthcoming rocket deliveries from Democratic People's Republic of Korea to Iran was in detail discussed by vice-president of the USA Richard Cheney with the heads of Saudi Arabia in the course of May visit of the Near East.

There are reasons to propose that besides rockets "Taep'o-dong-2" Democratic People's Republic of Korea in the nearest 5-6 years, that is by 2013, has promised Iranians to deliver ballistic missiles with range of flight up to 8-11 thousand kilometers which are now at the stage of adaptation. If it will occur, Iran is able technically to undertake rocket attack on the territory of the USA.

Theoretically the system of antimissile defense of the USA which is planned to be placed in Poland and Czechia by 2013 could prevent such attack. Russia, however, is against these plans.

On the summit of G8 in Germany Vladimir Putin alternatively offered the Americans for the settlement of the problems of antimissile defense system to use Gabalinskaya Radio Detection and Ranging Equipment "Darjal" in Azerbaijan and even had time to discuss the offer with Ilham Aliev. However, for the first time Putin started talking about it with Bush by phone on April, 28th. And actually on the eve of the summit Gabalinskaya Radio Detection and Ranging Equipment became the theme of two-weeks discussions of the Russian and American experts.

As it is known, for already several years in Azerbaijan in area of cities of Hyzy and Астара the Americans have two mobile Radio Detection and Ranging Equipment "TRML-3D" for tracking territory of Iran -  they "examine" Iran in a mode of air defence on depth of maximum 300 kilometers. Gabalinskaya Radio Detection and Ranging Equipment "Darjal" started on alert in February, 1985, has greater opportunities. It allows to carry out monitoring of air and space above territories of Iran, Turkey, India, Iraq, Pakistan, partially China, as well as a number of other Asian and African countries. The station is intended for conducting continuous investigation of space for detection of ballistic missiles on trajectories of their flight and space objects in an orbit, definitions of parameters of their movement and transfer of information using space and barrier conditions to command items of system of prevention of rocket attack.

But it also has its lacks. So, Russia is present in Azerbaijan only as the tenant of Information-Analytical centre (that is how Radio Detection and Ranging Equipment stated in the Azerbaijan documents). Payment for the rent is constantly increasing. Different types of claims as well. Especially after increase of prices for gas raised by "Gazprom". There is no guarantee that after 2012 Gabalinskaya Radio Detection and Ranging Equipment will continue to be at the disposal of Russia.

On the other hand, Gabalinskaya Radio Detection and Ranging Equipment is just a station of system of prevention of a rocket attack and not at all a radar of range X which is used for prompting of anti-missiles GBI which the USA are going to place in Czechia as an element of antimissile defense system. At last, the main lack - Radio Detection and Ranging Equipment is located too close to areas of possible starts of the Iranian rockets. The start of rockets, an active site of their flight "is visible" from it. However, the Americans have no high-speed interceptors, capable to work on this phase of trajectory and they won't have them in the nearest future. Alongside with it almost all medium site of the trajectory of the flight of missile reentry vehicles is not seen from Gabala which visibility is oriented on the South and not on the North of the country. Meanwhile, interceptors GBI are designed for intercept of targets only outside of the earth atmosphere.   

By the way, the secretary general of NATO Jaal de Hoop Sheffer already made comments, he declared that Azerbaijan was too close to those countries which represented threat for safety of the West. There is no doubt, the Western experts will popularly explain same to the American and European public. As a result, "the historical initiative" of Vladimir Putin will look not as a break but as a cheap bluff. However, citizens of Russia will hardly know about it from the state telechannels programmes.

PS. Offers of Russia about sharing of Gabalinskaya Radio Detection and Ranging Equipment will not affect plans of the USA to place elements of antimissile system in the East Europe, the state secretary of the USA Condolise Rice declared in the interview to agency AR in New York. Rice named "surprise" the offer of the president of Russia Vladimir Putin on sharing of the radar station located in Azerbaijan for protection against rockets. This offer is worthy considerations, but at simultaneous continuation of negotiations with Poland and Czechia about placing of elements of the American antimissile system on their territories, RIA "News" repeats the words of the state secretary. "We continue negotiations with Czechia and Poland and we are going to continue them, we continue discussions in NATO and we are going to do it. We will do what we consider the best from the point of view of the settlement of the problem of safety", - she said.

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