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Government of Moscow Officially Prohibited to Demand Luzhkov's Resignation Near to the Monument to Jury Dolgoruky

Government of Moscow Officially Prohibited to Demand Luzhkov's Resignation Near to the Monument to Jury Dolgoruky

On June, 24th organizers of city action Day of Anger which is planned for June, 28th received from government of Moscow written refusal to carry out action near to the monument of Jury Dolgoruky opposite to Mayor's Office of Moscow (Tverskaya Street, 13). As coordinator of Moscow Council and movement Left Frond Sergey Udaltsov informed that in the letter signed by deputy head of the Department on Coordination of Activity on Safety Measures Polenkov V.I. it's stated that "monument to Jury Dolgoruky is historical and cultural heritage of the city", therefore carrying out of mass actions near to it is impossible as it could bring damage to the monument. Officials of government of Moscow propose to shift Day of Anger to Bolotnaya Square or to the metro station "Ulitsa of 1905 year".

Organizers of Day of Anger (Sergey Udaltsov, Lev Ponomarev, Атвкун Вуьшвщм) consider answer of the government of Moscow illegal and unreasoned. On hand application of double standards in interpretation of legislation as mass meetings and concerts regularly take place near to the monument of Jury Dolgoruky (on City Day, on May Day, on November, 7th and others) with participation of the party "Edinaya Russia" and Moscow management.

According to Sergey Udaltsov, "the answer of the government of Moscow is a mockery over common sense. Mass actions are being carried out all over the city near to different monuments on regular basis and no damage has ever been done to them. Obviously Moscow authorities again infract constitutional rights of citizens purposely and provoke disorders in the center of the city".

Already today organizers of Day of Anger are going to make a complaint to Tverskoy court of Moscow, application to the Office of Public Prosecutor and also petition addressed to the president of RF Dmitry Medvedev - aiming to achieve concord on carrying out of action opposite to Mayor's Office of Moscow.

- Authorities, of course, could prejudice the rights of citizens stating different absurd reasons, - editor-in-chief of FOURM.msk Anatoly Baranov commented situation. - For example, to detain citizens for interference with traffic as on May, 31st, though it was authorities that stopped the movement an hour before, besides using militia cordon they moved citizens so that exit on driveway was physically impossible. Nevertheless in 170 reports written "under copy paper" it's stated that citizens interfered with traffic, passengers of non-existing transport furious, while militia men tried to persuade supposed disturbers to leave driveway. The same way here meeting could damage huge monument being placed at the height twice higher than a man. This all despite of the fact that citizens have legal right to demand change of power and this or that official - it's the basis of democratic structure as such. Why it's possible to demand resignation of mayor of Moscow only on Bolotnaya Square, not under the windows of his office? If he to such an extend separated from people that any stirring in the air under his windows is equal to the threat to state power? Whether it's necessary to go our of city where there will be nobody to hear to demand his resignation? It means that citizens of Moscow are not only deprived of the right to elect city head but this head appointed from above forbids to demand his resignation! It's clear that people who will come to the monument of Jury Dolgoruky to demand resignation of Moscow mayor could be detained and accused of non-existing law infringements. Whether this state structure can be called "democratic"? 

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