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Son-in-Law of Nazarbaev Was Arrested in Austria - on Request of Kazakh Authorities

Son-in-Law of Nazarbaev Was Arrested in Austria - on Request of Kazakh Authorities

Rahat Aliev - the son-in-law of the president of Kazakhstan Noursultan Nazarbaev has been arrested in Austria. Earlier Kazakhstan sent to Austria official inquiry about Aliev's extradition, he was accused on the native land in communications with the organized crime and participation in abduction of heads of one of the largest banks. Rahat Aliev held a post of the ambassador of Kazakhstan in Austria but he was dismissed one of these days - after excitation of a criminal case against him. On May, 26th the president of Kazakhstan dismissed Aliev from the post of the ambassador of Kazakhstan in Austria and special representative of the republic on the questions of cooperation with OSCE.

As the press-secretary of police Gerald Hestera informed agency Reuters, now Aliev's in custody waiting for the deportation. The court should make a decision on his extradition within 48 hours. The variant of his release on bail is also not excluded.

We shall remind, arrest was carried out by inquiry about Aliev's international search which authorities of Kazakhstan submitted. The son-in-law of the president is being accused of the organization of criminal group which was involved in abduction of top-managers of "NURbank".

However many consider that a case of the presidential son-in-law has not criminal but political character. PostSoviet "elite" is criminal through and Kazakhstan is - not an exception. It's hardly possible that the president was not aware earlier the way his son-in-law lead business. Some people believe that the original reason of disgrace of the son-in-law became heavy insult of the daughter of the president. Others believe that he appeared to be the participant of a plot with the purpose of displacement of Nazarbaev and soon new figures will appear in business.

In any case, Rahat Aliev, certainly, did not take part in abductions and murders as he was abroad during this time. A unique resource of consequence can become a testimony that Aliev gave certain criminal orders. And they beat out evidences of these witnesses. Thus, on the 25th of May, on Friday, at 2.30 p.m. in a building of DVD of Almatay Nurlan Ustimirov - lawyer of Vitaly Piskunov, one of the figurants in case about disappearance of the former vice-president of board Nurbanka Zholdas Timraliev wes arrested.  

He has been put in an insulator of time maintenance of DVD Almaty. Two criminal cases sued against him - clause 339 of Criminal Code of the Russian Federation (hidrance to realization of justice and production of preliminary investigation) and clause 343, part 3 (slander of the inspector), our source in DVD informed. His performance on the 21st of May on air of a telechannel "КТК" was an occasion, in which he accused investigatory bodies of application of tortures in connection to their client Piskunov.

- I consider this detention illegal, - colleague of Ustimirov, lawyer Serik Saresenov makes comments on a situation. - Firstly, the public prosecutor gave his sanction to arrest only on May, 28th while Ustimirov was taken into custodyon the 25-th. Secondly, according to the application of investigatory bodies, Ustimirov ostensibly persuaded Vitaly Piskunov to withhold evidences and from participation in judicial investigation. They have seen hidrance into the work of the inspector. But there is no corpus delicti here. Ustimirov only  made his work as a lawer.
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