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It Looks As If in Russia People, Not Church Is Separated from the State

It Looks As If in Russia People, Not Church Is Separated from the State
Oleg Sultanov 22.06.2010

Events which arise complex evaluations from the part of population of the country and, almost always, categorical evaluation of the management of RF happen more and more often in Russia. It - management - for some reason very rare doubt in decency of its protégé appointed on different state posts.

In the course of abstract and not effective reforming of the state the Kremlin, obviously, having forgotten that all its structures, according to the Constitution of Russia, are regulated by people starts using "Edinaya Russia" active interference with public life of RF that it's high time to recollect about "guiding" role of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union. Just under "wise" guiding of its leaders - traitors the Soviet Union was successfully sent to inexistence, on separate pieces of former USSR shots still could be hear, blood is still blood is spilling.

Things are not much better on the territories of the cessionary of "indestructible Soviet Union" - the Russian Federation, where well armed "guerillas" declaring themselves fighters with lawlessness of militia start uniting...

I think it's necessary to recognize that interference of the state structures with the life of society very often looks lopsided in Russia; the state tries in rude form to dictate to citizens how to live, whom to believe to, whom to listen to. It's not a secret that this dictatorship is based on a fake, for example, on the results of elections, which are, according to the opinion of majority of citizens, are usually garbled.

I don't know about other citizens but it's difficult for me to believe that for already many years the majority express trust to the party which deputies vigorously vote for worsening of life of people in the country. There are plenty of examples; we can just recollect voting for notorious law about monetization of privileges. Whether I am wrong?

Having been engaged in phylactery the Kremlin and obedient to it party "Edinaya Russia" instantly becomes  blind and deaf when our atonic opposition tries to bring it to its senses by reminding that according to the Constitution of RF people is the source of power in the state. That very people which now, unlike the church, is actually separated from the state and is totally dependent on the will and desire of the chairman of "Edinaya Russia" of prime-minister V.Putin.

This very org-man inculcates in the country practice of "recruitment" on state posts of those officials which candidates are promoted by the party headed by him. That is he promotes them himself, not even the president of RF whose orders are ignored by putin team. For example, D.Medvedev signed the decree about obligatoriness of publishing of incomes of high-ranking officials. And what of it? High-ranking officials from FSB, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, FSO, customs services are not in a hurry to fulfill this decree. Rhetoric question:

- If power structures and diplomatic officials even in peacetime pass off decrees of the Supreme Commander, what awaits out society in case of opening of military actions? Lord forbids to live to them but...

Anyway, nobody can deprive me of the right to doubt. Generally, a message "if war will happen tomorrow" in my opinion, is the highest criterion of estimation of actions of any government. But even now, when you observe, how corteges of Putin and Medvedev fly on the high speed on the streets of Moscow I involuntarily assume: may be these misters have been informed that parachute assault of some enemy opponent which purpose is - to destroy or take prisoner management of Russia - landed?

Though it is clear that FSO protects its high-ranking objects, basically, from us, their voters. Either from our questions evoked by our constitutional law on doubt in expediency of these or those actions of the power. More and more questions appear from day to day starting from the fact of decomposition in the ranks of the Ministry of Internal Affairs and finishing with "location" of billions of budgetary roubles generously allocated for "historical" building of objects of the Olympic Games in Sochi. After all, if to trust some "begun to see clearly" participants of this building, you can see there simple kickback of budgetary funds, at that to the side far both from Sochi and state treasury.

The fact that both chambers of Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation have been long ago transformed into certain clubs of millionaires which membership fee is not less $1 million also causes bewilderment. I am sure that the Kremlin knows also that many of its (not ours ...) deputies are actively engaged in business, which sources and legality, as well as incomes of members of parliament, for some reason do not interest the State Office of Public Prosecutor. Unless this indifference of law enforcement agencies does not undermine state security of the country which financial resources spin in a vicious circle of one and the same people instead of backing up manufacture, improvement of social life in society?

Not so long ago, on May, 28th this year at a meeting with core group of Putin "Edinaya Russia" the head of the Russian Federation Dmitry Medvedev, having traditionally praised members of the party for their - unknown personally to me - care of people, nevertheless expressed one sensible idea. He underlined that criminal reprisals should be applied firmly when it's a question of crimes against safety of the state.

I hope the president meant not strengthening of criminal prosecution of other-minded who gather several times a year in the centre of the capital for realization of their constitutional law to speak truth, but that he was talking about real figurants of the future criminal cases approval of which opening the Russian Office of Public Prosecutor, probably, had not get from the Kremlin yet...

Where it is necessary to give short command about careful check our high-ranking officials confine themselves to empty remarks. So, some days ago the head of the regional Development Ministry V.Basargin came to prime-Minister V.Putin and reported that abnormally low temperatures demanded additional means for fuel purchase and consequently for today the debts of municipal sphere reached 90 billion roubles. Even I, ordinary journalist, doubt sincerity of this information, for it's Russian minister, not, for example, Puerto-Rican one; low temperatures are abnormal not for the Russian Federation but for the southern countries.

For some reason Mister V.Putin was not surprised or indignant with the fact that these debts in $3 billion will be actually liquidated by us, citizens of Russia, from our without it empty pockets. The prime minister ordinary noticed that "... it is necessary to pay attention in due time to the coming autumn - winter period and, of course, to watch pricing". Logically it turns out that "Someone" last year didn't pay in due time attention and did not watch formation of prices. So may be the Office of Public Prosecutor will define that "Someone"? And will ask with full force of the law. And will demand to explain what budgetary funds of Russia - which severe winters should surprise not minister Putin but a head of some Regional Development Ministry of some African country - should be surprised were spent to?


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