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Putin Brought America to Shame by Weight of Plans

Putin Brought America to Shame by Weight of Plans

16th test flight of fifth-generation fighter T-50 constructed by "Sukhoi" took place on the testing area of Central Aerohydrodynamic Institute in Zhukovsky of Moscow region. It finished first stage of flight and ground tests. Putin's personal observation was the main event. He immediately "moulded in granite.

Prime-Minister Vladimir Putin informed that the price of the Russian fifth-generation fighter will be 2,5-3 times lower, than for the one of the competitors.

"It will be machine which will surpass our main competitor - F-22 (American fifth-generation fighter) by its maneuverability, armament and range", - V.Putin also noted. He promised that to 2016 Air Force of RF will buy 50 such fighters.

- Actually, it's too early to talk about purchase, the more so it's impossible to name certain terms, if it was only airframe, - editor-in-chief of FORUM.msk Anatoly Baranov noted. - There's no operational engine, armaments which, I'll say, should be new, if we are talking about fifth-generation fighter. We already have unique submarine for which there are still no rockets. It's possible that we will get the fighter which also will be unique - without engine and armament which will destroy the opponent just by its menacing appearance. 6 years for the Russian aviation industry - quite short period, we never ever created anything so quickly. There's no base to think that we would do it now. The more so it's strange to talk about 50 series units if for 20 years Air Force purchased only one and a half fighters. It's clear that it was not Putin who thought it out, it was written for him by experts, he simply learnt it by heart and told. But now it's not regular delirium of analysts, it's declaration of the prime-minister. It's possible to call it state policy. Whereas this policy looks quite clownish like...

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