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One Month Passed. 23 Dead Miners from "Raspadskaya" Ask Medvedev to Bury Them

Alexander Golovenko 15.06.2010

Two explosions of methane thundered one after another exactly one month ago at the night of May, 9th on the mine "Raspadskaya" in Mezhdurechensk. They took away lives of 90 miners. 67 from them are buried, 23 till now are in dead blockages. The mine is cordoned. Nobody is admitted to it. Not because it represents any danger. People say that it's done because at night terrible groans are heard from its depth. These are dead miners ask president Medvedev to commit them to earth...

Though he doesn't hear. When in the morning they being still alive choking searched for the way to rescue in the darkness of drifts, he looked the concert of army amateur performances due to some misunderstanding named Parade of Victory from VIP-longe on the Red Square. After the end of the show he did not declare national mourning in the country.

"Local mourning will be enough for them", - he, probably, told to Kuzbass bai and went to Near-Eastern tour. You will agree, it's easier and more comfortable to communicate with lords of Syria and Turkey, than with mothers and widows of the drowned miners.

This professorial sonny of sobchak's nature, not hammered a nail during all his life simply has no idea how infernal miner's work is. There's such feeling that till 40 years he was grown up under a cap of a huge glass jar, whence he was straightly directed to head the state.

It is necessary to see children's spontaneity with which he pulls cows' udder during excursion on some demonstration farm. And looks with squeal how milk flows therefrom. He was assured before that it is being extracted from packages, cottage cheese - from cheese cakes and rolls grow on a tree.

This president-boy aspires to tell about each new opening to "dear Russians" in the mornings from TV screen. That's why for already second year with tooth ache we hear his: "Horses eat oats", «Volga runs into Caspian Sea", "It's warmer in summer, than in winter", "Freedom is better, than unfreedom" ...

Now he is being reported: "Methane explosion on the mine". They do not know that it's necessary to explain to him the meaning of the words "explosion", "methane" and "mine".

Accident took place on oil platform of the company "British Petroleum". Thousand tons of oil rushed to Gulf of Mexico. US president Obama declared that its owners will spend up to the last cent for liquidation of consequences of accident. What contemptuous attitude is necessary to have to the miners buried in "Raspadskaya" to get worried about losses of the American company. To throw world gendarmerie a call: let's send a cap round and gather global fund for covering of world technogenic accidents. Say one company or even the whole country will fail to cope with it.

So, send, sirs globalists, "green" under a shade of one of the most corrupted powers of the world. We with Vladimir Vladimirovich will bring them to justice.

No saying about necessity to create fund on prevention of explosions on the mines of own country. Not once for the past month Mr. Medvedev declared about necessity to get from under the earth bodies of 23 miners killed by avidity of "effective proprietors" as soon as possible.

Prime Minister Putin also neglected them. He has no time. He gives milk to cows from small bottle. It calms him down after venomous questions of singer Shevchyuk about freedom of speech and meetings in the country. Court mass-media also keeps silent. All this is simply monstrous in relation to mothers, wives, children, families of the miners lying in ruins of "Raspadskaya".

What could be said here? While this rubbishy power is not be rubbed it in - it will not recollect about its elementary duties. Let's imagine for a second that you have possibility to tell some words about it to the president Medvedev. What would you advise him?

1. To continue to have fun and "not to notice" dead miners in "Raspadskaya"

2. To declare national mourning in the country and toname approximate terms of lifting of the bodies of victims.

3. To ask the world community for help.

4. To order owners of the mine to start extraction of bodies from under the earth immediately.

Variants, as they say, are possible. Well, what's your forecast: how would develop events round "Raspadskaya" wherefrom the groans of the dead greet every night...


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