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CyberSpecial Police Forces Will Sort Out the Runet

CyberSpecial Police Forces Will Sort Out the Runet

The Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia revealed in the Internet in 2007 148 sites of terrorist and extremist orientation, the chapter of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation Rashid Nurgaliev informed journalists. "During the process of monitoring of the Internet the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia revealed in 2007 148 resources containing materials of terrorist and extremist orientation", - Nurgaliev said commenting the results of session of constant advice of partnership Russia-EC on the general space of freedom, safety and justice.

According to his words, these sites are both in the Russian segment of the Internet and in the foreign one. Nurgaliev informed there were revealed more than 70 sites in the Russian segment of a network, 49 - in the USA, 6 - in the Netherlands, 5 - in Germany, 4 - in the Great Britain, 3 - in Canada and 2 - in Turkey.

"The information about specified sites located on foreign segments is directed to law enforcement bodies of the corresponding countries through the channels of international network of national contact items", - the chapter of the Ministry noted.

He reminded that the management of the Ministry of Internal Affairs suggested to change and complete the European convention with the item about cybercrimes. The convention was signed by 42 countries. However it was ratified by only 12 countries and only one of them entered into «G8».

- When the Ministry of Internal Affairs starts to interfere with the questions which are carried by the Constitution to the basic civil rights, that is with the questions of freedom of speech and opinions, I foresee the result, - editor-in-chief of FORUM.msk Anatoly Baranov states. - In front of our eyes militia and FSB interfered with realization of a constitutional law of citizens to gather peacefully, unarmed for meetings and demonstrations. The result - hundreds of beaten and humiliated, advances in office of those who direct leaders of massacre. No responsibility carried by the authority for the things done. As soon as the best defense is offence. Mr. Nurgaliev is already expressing his own opinion in the field of realization of the rights of the freedom of speech and opinions. Let's note tha there is no hint on any adjudgement. They decided in the Ministry that 148 sites are terrorist ones. Is it a verdict?

"I do not deny that there are terrorist sites, - Anatoly Baranov believes, - as there are sick people. A public site with detailed instructions how, for example, to make a bomb domiciliary is hardly done by true terrorists. What do they need it for? They just will make it and blow up. While to place in a network "knowledge" - is an attribute of unhealthy mentality. But Mister Minister Nurgaliev speaks about sites and "extremist orientation". It makes the one uneasy because extremism is too washy definition to give an opportunity to decide on the level of militia what can be regarded as extremism and what can not be. But, it appears that, Mr. Nurgaliev has already made decision. A number of sites in the Russian segment are already inaccessible. I don't doubt that the quantity of "blanks" will grow in progression.
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